Questions tagged [sysinternals]

7 questions
1 answer

What would be causing "PowerShell.exe" to hang upon opening on multiple systems and/or how can I troubleshoot it?

What would be causing "PowerShell.exe" to hang upon opening on multiple systems? I've waited for over 60 minutes, but it never fully starts. All it does is show the blue shell window with the typical PowerShell startup output of: Windows…
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1 answer

Hyper-V Windows 10 virtual machine continuously crashing with memory management blue screen

I am trying to create a virtual machine of a Windows 10 laptop using Sysinternals 'Disk2vhd utility. First I created a vhdx file of the laptops C: drive using the Disk2vhd utility. Afterwards I copied the vhdx file to my Windows 10 desktop computer…
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Scripting with psinfo - output IP and software version?

I'm trying to create a script that takes a list of a few hundred machines, and I'd like to have it output me three things: IP address, VMware version, and of course computername. I can't quite put it all together and thought I'd ask for help. Below…
0 answers

Automatization of Process Monitor inspection

I regularly use Process Monitor to to debug an application that misbehaves very often. I don't develop the application so fixing the source code is not an option. The image below shows the kind of output I'm used to: Now I want to make this process…
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1 answer

Is it safe to defragment a file that's being used?

On Windows with NTFS, is it safe to defragment files that are currently being written to and read from other processes? I believe I may be hitting into an issue with an extremely fragmented large SQLite database. So I'm thinking of possible…
0 answers

Sysinternals Process Explorer: don't close when pressing the escape key

I often accidentally close Process Explorer when I only want to close one of its dialogs, because I press the ESC key once too often. Quite annoying. Is there any way to configure Process Explorer to not close when the ESC key is pressed?
Helge Klein
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Capturing output of remote process from sysinternal's psexec Script

I'm trying to deploy a program throught PSexec with a script from Bat file to use one CMD instance per computer and not one after the other. I need a log to be generated on my local server to be sure that the the program succeded succesfully but the…
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