Questions tagged [load-balance]

30 questions
3 answers

How to make redundant load balancers?

I understand that the purpose of load balancers is to balance load between your servers and keep track of instance health, etc. But what if load balancer itself fails? How do you set up redundant load balancers? (load balancing load balancers?) I…
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How does a typical http(s) load balancer work?

I know that there are some situations that we encounter heavy http(s) load on a server and we should use a load balancer to distribute load among several back-end servers. But I've a confusion here! Lets suppose that too many users (lets say…
Ehsan Khodarahmi
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What is the best way to load balance multiple sock5 proxys on seperate VM's in the same datacenter?

I am currently trying to figure out the best way to load balance multiple sock 5 proxy servers for my new project. I was looking into programs like HA proxy, but it seems to only load balance HTTP Proxy's and for this project i need Sock5's. I…
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VIP not dropping from backup keepalived

I may not be understanding how this is supposed to work, but I can't figure out why the BACKUP system with this basic vrrp_instance is transitioning to master right away and never seems to honor the priority. Why wouldn't the virtual IP address…
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Load balancer for multiple sites

I am in the process of setting up a network of web servers on Rackspace. I am looking to do 4 servers in groups of two. See diagram below. My question is, if I have server A and server B as a mirror of A behind the load balancer I know I can…
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load balancing two web servers each on two different isp's?

I have two ISP's that provide me hosting via apache / php / mysql. I am running drupal on them. On occasion the mysql server will go away (crash), so I was hoping to find a reasonable way to have a fail over, if server A SQL is down, all traffic…
Scott Szretter
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Configuring HAProxy to route traffic based on url_param

I am very new to HAProxy. I spent a few hours trying to figure out how to do it but could not get any leads. My requirement is this: If end point of request is /special then I need to check URL_PARAM. For example: localhost/special?id=10 Based on…
2 answers

How to setup failover with rabbitmq cluster with a loadbalancer like f5

I have been trying to find information on f5 developer central and internet regarding the following setup with no luck. We want to have a rabbitmq cluster with 3 nodes. 1 node will always be primary/master node for ALL queues. 1. Send all…
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AZURE Internal Load Balancer: response same VM in CS

I have two Windows VMs on which run two identical services. Service1 on port 80 and service2 on port 8080. These two VMs are in the same cloud service. I configured an internal load balancer between the VMs on port 8080. The service1 must query the…
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2 answers

Keepalived: NAT VIP for internal network unused?

I'm building a proof-of-concept loadbalancer with CentOS 7 and keepalived. I took Red Hat's load balancer administration guide as a reference and implemented a NAT'ed loadbalancer with 2 nodes which carries traffic between a public and a private…
André Fernandes
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1 answer

Nginx drops connections

I'm having a setup where I use the linode nodebalancer (loadbalancer) for my nginx/php5-fpm servers. This balancer passive checks. These passive checks, check the status code of requests. If there are too many 5XX status codes the node (vps) is…
2 answers

Apache & Tomcat Load balancing via Mod_jk issue

I hope this finds you all in the best of your health and spirits. I have an issue with a new setup where I currently have 1 APACHE 2.2.15 & Tomcat 6.0.14 on RHEL. Mod_JK version 1.2.30. Ill add the second Tomcat when this starts working. So when…
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Using multiple pools in PHP-FPM

When reading the article on the link below, I had some doubts, I will explain my scenario and talk about my doubt. I currently have a 32 GB memory server, of which I left 20 GB for…
Lucas Lima
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haproxy load balancer with more servers or strong servers

background is that we're running REST API servers with nginx+php-fpm, with haproxy as the load balancer. issue is that we're getting 502 issues sometimes when on heavy loading. my question is that, which one would be better? 16 servers with 4 GB 2…
Fayland Lam
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Nginx loadbalancing, Is there a way to do this?

I want to use a test server for administrators. Is there a way to assign an access from the client of ip( to the server of ip( upstream target-server { server [] ; server [] ; }
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