I am currently trying to figure out the best way to load balance multiple sock 5 proxy servers for my new project. I was looking into programs like HA proxy, but it seems to only load balance HTTP Proxy's and for this project i need Sock5's. I looked into DNS round robin, but i haven't found a way for it to instantly fail over to one of the other servers or remove them from the rotation. I also found that the TTL doesn't update fast enough for the seamless switch to another server when one goes offline. This has really been troubling me for a while and i find it really hard to explain my case as i have little experience with load-balancing and preventing failures for users as my projects have only recently been gaining traction. If What i just posted seems to make no sence i made a diagram below on what i am trying to configure.
So basically what i am looking for is a solution to effectivly loadbalance a sock5 proxy while removing servers that go offline. http://puu.sh/3mLvL/6ef73d46d4.png