Questions tagged [rackspace]

Rackspace is a traditional and cloud hosting company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. They run datacentres in three US states, the UK, and Hong Kong.

180 questions
5 answers

I changed my TTL from 24 hours to 5 minutes. Do I need to wait 24 hours before changing the records?

I am migrating our app from a cloud server at Rackspace t a dedicated server. I want to bring the application down for ~5 minutes to copy the data from the cloud server to the dedicated server, so I don't want requests going to the old server after…
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How to build and run a machine room?

The last guy quit (I think a lot of adventures begin this way?) and I've been given the job to build a new machine room. I am coordinating with 2 engineers, campus ITS, campus Facilities Management, a project manager, a construction company and 2…
2 answers

Meltdown & Spectre - Does patching the guest kernel of an unpatched hypervisor prevent cross-VM memory leaks?

24 hours after the wide scale release of the vulnerabilities, Rackspace is silent about Spectre and Meltdown. They do not have a plan for patching all of their Xen hypervisors. All their newer platform servers are HVM servers, which are vulnerable.…
Danny F
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6 answers

Backup solutions for Rackspace cloud sites?

What options do I have for backing up the content from a Rackspace Cloud Sites including files and databases? I know they have cron jobs, but I am not sure what options I have when it comes to that. Here are some of the things the cron jobs they…
Daniel A. White
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3 answers

"Cloud" file storage Vs. Self-Managed Servers (What's the big deal with cloud?)

So I'm just going to jump right in to the maths; My web host offers a server with 5x2TB drives, unmetered 1GB/s connection and can provision servers in 5 different data-centers, for ~$200/month. If I got 3 of these servers and install OpenStack…
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bind: cannot assign requested address

I've recently switch over to AWS from Rackspace and I'm setting up a simple geolocation server using freegeopip. While the following commands work perfectly on a new Rackspace serve (Ubuntu) I can't getting working on AWS (tried Red Hat and Ubuntu).…
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4 answers

External load balancer solutions between EC2 and Rackspace

I have a website primarily hosted on EC2 with the backends (MySql) replicated async to a Rackspace store. I am also planning to have a suite of web server, cache & db on standby at Rackspace in the eventuality that Amazon has an outage. With this…
Quintin Par
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3 answers

Best cat6 patch panels? Is price really a factor?

I can go down to my local graybar right now and purchase some AllenTel 48 Port Cat 6 Patch panels I need (part number AT66-PNL-48). They are $275 each. That seems a bit high considering I've seen other brands for far cheaper -- $165 for this…
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2 answers

Import SSL Cert into IIS when I have the text of the certificate and private key

I am working on moving a site from Rackspace Cloud Sites onto a server running IIS and need to get the SSL certificate imported into IIS. All I have at the moment for the SSL certificate is what Rackspace gives me. The text of the…
5 answers

Sync/mirror directory with Rackspace Cloud files bucket

What tool can I use to synchronize the content of a local directory with that of a Rackspace Cloud Files bucket? I need a rsync-like application to do a mirror, not a backup application. What I want is the ability to do rsync --update --delete…
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1 answer

Track bandwith usage by application

I have a server at Rackspace and noticed my server is suddenly sending out 2GB of data per month (this is atypical since I don't use it that much) How can I figure out what application is using that bandwith and who is consuming it? I suppose it…
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ssl certificate error while making cURL request to IP address

I am trying to send a cURL request to a server with an IP address x.x.x.x . It is a part of an health monitoring system. On the server I have configured virtual hosts for on both port 80 and 443. For the ssl certificate, I am…
Ankit Khedekar
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0 answers

Amazon S3 + Cloudfront VS Rackspace CloudFiles

I know this question came up lot of time on the internet , But I couldn't find any latest updates on this . So I gathered the information what I found and putting here and have few questions on it . Could some one please answer them ? Some note :- I…
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1 answer

How do I register only internal NIC address in AD DNS, with servers with multiple NICs?

I'm hosting some Windows servers on Rackspace, and have added them to a domain. Each server has two NICs, a public and private NIC. The public NIC has a public IPv4 and IPv6 address, while the private NIC has an RFC1918 address for communicating…
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2 answers

MySql Data Loss - post mortem analysis - RackSpace Cloud Server

After a recent 'emergency migration' of a RS cloud server, the mysql databases on our server snapshot image proved to be days out of date from the backup date. And yet files that were uploaded through the impacted webapp had been written to the…
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