Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Unable to access the path inside Docker Desktop Virtual machine where Kubernetes has mounted the volume

I am running RabbitMQ inside Kubernetes cluster. When I type the following command in order to know where volume has been mounted in my Docker desktop virtual machine kubectl get pv pvc-7c1bf15b-7f84-406e-a8d9-0c5d7442bd71 -o yaml I get the…
1 answer

How to estimate how much resources are needed in a cluster?

I'm new to kubernetes. So I need some help with things, which are basic stuff for most of you. I build my first cluster and added some workers (bare metal). How do I estimate how much resources/power I need for my apps? For example I'm using 10…
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How do I configure on-prem ADFS for login to Grafana?

I am looking for a precise enough guide on how to configure ADFS login (service provider (SP) initiated logins) to Grafana. I have a Prometheus-Loki-Grafana instance running in K8s and Grafana can be accessed at I…
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How can I send deployment pod count metrics with cwagent (Container Insights)?

I've set up the CloudWatch agent to collect kubernetes cluster metrics and send them to CloudWatch. I used the default configuration from the…
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How can I send HorizontalPodAutoscaler metrics to AWS CloudWatch?

I've just set up the AWS CloudWatch agent in my Kubernetes cluster to collect cluster metrics and forward them to CloudWatch. I followed this AWS documentation. I can't see any metrics from HorizontalPodAutoscaler. I would like to have a graph that…
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Load Balancer with stickyness and in-order delivery when scaling down

I wonder what would happen if, say, we use an HAProxy Load Balancer with persistence (sticky sessions) and a server goes down (or we want to scale down). According to their docs: When doing persistence, if a server goes down, then HAProxy will…
1 answer

How to apply new default kube-scheduler config?

Kubernetes version 1.22. Cluster created by kops. I'm trying to alternate default kube-scheduler config (adding profiles) as descibed here…
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kyverno precondition for possible empty values

I am learning how to use kyverno to build some policies, but I am facing a few problems to understand some behaviour: My first scenario is I want block some resource that may or may not have the spec.tier set. If it is set and it is different from…
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disable deprecated resource automatic conversion

I’m trying to purposefully create K8S resources with deprecated apiVersion for test purposes, but keep ending up with a converted resource to the non-deprecated apiVersion. I don’t understand why it’s happening and can’t find any discussion/topic on…
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local persistant volume & nodeAffinity

I am using local persistant volumes in my Kubernetes cluster, I have currently two worker nodes in my cluster(node1, node2). So while creating local Peristant Volume I have added node affinity with these nodes. nodeAffinity: required: …
Ankit Bansal
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How to verify if cgroup tree is writable?

I'm trying to follow this documentation and I'm struggling to understand how can I make the cgroup tree writable or how I can verify it. In that documentation, I have a link towards how can I allow delegation of other controllers in cgroup, which I…
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I can't start kubelet

First, sorry for my bad English. I want to execute k8s with Vagrant executed commands to install k8s. cat < /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1 EOF cat >…
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2 answers

kubelet error, status stuck on 'Active: activating (auto-restart)'

I'm facing this kubelet error on my k8s cluster running CentOS 7. This error surfaced after I reboot the cluster nodes recently. I have not faced similar issue previously I reboot the machines. I tried running swapoff -a to disable swap but it does…
Joe S
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Configure EKS to use Nexus Private Docker Registry (HTTP/HTTPS)

I've created an EKS cluster on AWS along with Nexus Repository on DigitalOcean using Terraform & Ansible. Also I've not created any SSL for the Nexus Repository, so it is "http." Normally, it is sufficient to add [insecure-registries:...] entry into…
0 answers

How to migrate a mongodb replica set from one kubernetes cluster to another using replication

My goal is migrating data via replication from one mongodb replica set to another mongodb replicaset. I am attempting to migrate data from replicaset a (on kubernetes cluster a) to replicaset b (on kubernetes cluster b) See my attempt…
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