Questions tagged [message-queuing]
50 questions
4 answers
How to pick between RabbitMQ and ZeroMQ or something else?
I'm looking for a queuing system which is fast and reliable and potentially can be spread across machines. Platform is Linux. Open source is preferable.
Both RabbitMQ and ZeroMQ look good but I have no experience with these or any other queuing…

Jason Cohen
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1 answer
Message Queuing vs. Load Balancing. I don't truly understand the difference
Help me to understand something. I've looked at several enterprise application architectures, and I've noticed that several of them use a Message Queue service, like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. I have surface-level knowledge of what message queuing…

Jason Clark
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3 answers
Name one good reason for immediately failing on a SMTP 4xx code
I'm really curious about this. The question (highlighed in bold):
Can someone name ONE GOOD REASON to have their email server permanently set up to auto-fail/immediate-fail on 4xx codes?
Because frankly, it sounds like "their" setups are broken…

Avery Payne
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2 answers
How can I delete all messages from an Apache Pulsar topic?
Is there a way to use the Pulsar command line tools to delete all messages for a topic? It doesn't have any subscriptions yet and from what I can tell the tools that do this operate on a subscription. I need to get rid of the old junk before…

David Tinker
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0 answers
Access to message queuing system is denied MSMQ?
My problem is a little confusing. I have 2 servers (Windows Server 2008 R2) with MSMQ installed and I want to use Server B to consume a MessageQueue on Server A. When I try to Receive it always throws a message error: "Access to message queuing…

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2 answers
is there a way to see only the Message Queuing section of Computer Management?
frequently because I'm debugging Windows services that use MSMQ,
i need to review the Private Queues ...
I open Computer Management,
expand Services and Applications,
then expand Message Queuing and
Private Queues ... I know it's
only a couple…

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0 answers
Problems with DTC and IBM MQ
I've just run DTC Ping to try to find the cause of a MQ problem.
It says the following:
++++++++++++Validating Remote Computer Name++++++++++++
10-18, 10:30:31.508-->Start DTC connection test
Name Resolution:

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2 answers
RabbitMQ, trouble getting hello world example to work on anything but localhost
I'm learning RabbitMQ and have run the hello world example at without problems on localhost. Now I want to test messaging from my PC to a different server, never seems to get any…

fred basset
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5 answers
Which Message Queue should I choose (must run on Linux)
There are many open source Message queues for Linux, and I need some help deciding what I should go for.
My problem is simple - I get sent a list of files that needs to be processed. Each job can't be split up, but they are self contained and can be…
2 answers
How/Where To Set Sendmail Requeue Interval
Simple question time: where can I define the requeue interval for sendmail? By default SendMail is configured to retry delivery of deferred messages once every hour. I'd like to set that to be more frequent. Is there a DAEMON option somewhere for…

Mike B
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1 answer
Is it safe to remove one node from a 3 node Apache Pulsar cluster for maintenance?
I have a Pulsar cluster of 3 machines. Each one running Pulsar broker, Zookeeper and Bookkeeper. I have the following in my broker.conf:
So I…

David Tinker
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1 answer
Apache ActiveMQ Server-to-Server connection
Our company now uses Websphere MQ to facilitate communication with our business partners, but we're evaluating migration to ActiveMQ. I've read some documentation and articles and haven't found particular option we need - server-to-server…

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2 answers
Heartbeat value configuration for RabbitMQ
I have RabbitMQ set up on a Debian server. I find myself in a situation currently whereby I need to change (or perhaps enable?) the heartbeat value for RabbitMQ. I have not been able to find any examples of how to do this via the…

Ryan Duffield
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0 answers
Raabitmq: Ranch listener rabbit_web_dispatch_sup_15672 had connection process started with cowboy_protocol
Getting these in the logs in rabbitmq node: node1.
Ranch listener rabbit_web_dispatch_sup_15672 had connection process started with cowboy_protocol:start_link/4 at <0.31197.2720> exit with reason: [{reason,{timeout,{gen_server,call,...

Ashish Singh
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1 answer
Message could not be send to a azure cloud message queue
I currently trying to send message to a azure message queue from a company server, but seem to have issues with confirming that the message is received on azure.
Nobody is consuming the message, so it should be placed in the "dead message…

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