Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
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Setting a higher limit on a job

We have a k8s job scheduled by jenkins to a specific namespace, which runs for a few seconds. This job has specified memory resource limits which have turned out to be too low, so it typically gets OOMKilled. We don't have access to modify the yaml…
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How do I configure Kubernetes cilium CNI to use my 100Gbit/s interface

I have a Kubernetes cluster with two networks, a 1 Gbit/s management network and a 100 Gbit/s data network. I am trying to use cilium as my CNI, but I find that my bandwidth is limited to 1 Gbit/s so presumably cilium is using the management network…
Chris Ward
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Handle 150 req/s and 2TB of logs for 7 days of retention available by API

I would like to get advise from experienced people to build a HA infrastructure to log 2To of data in JSON format every week. I need to have a retention time of 7 days and need to be able to requests these data by API. The global requirements are…
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Kubernetes: route traffic to a subnet via a pod (accesing management VPN clients from pods)

Given two pods deployed on different nodes: myapp pod deployed on apps node wireguard pod deployed on vpn node, using a subnet like I need myapp to be able to be able to route traffic to the wireguard peers (VPN clients) having IPs…
1 answer

Ingress in GKE does not do the routing identically despite same IP at DNS level

I have setup in my GKE cluster an nginx ingress as follows: helm repo add ingress-nginx helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace nginx-ingress A load balancer with its IP came…
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How to Isolate USB devices that are attached to kubernetes pods running with privileged mode

K8s Node has 10 pods running. The current issue is if I attach a USB to any one pod that is visible on all other pods running on the same Node. I am looking for a solution to isolate the USB that should only be visible to the pod I am attaching.
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Error from server: etcdserver: request timed out - error after etcd backup and restore

I have done the etcd backup and then a restore on the same cluster and now I'm having these issues where I can list resources but I can't create or delete. It's a 1 master and 2 workers setup , installed using kubeadm. I was running this cluster for…
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Why can't k8s find my configmap to mount it as a file?

I have what I believe to be the simplest of k8s deployments using a configmap value as a file and it refuses to work, instead returning this error message: The Pod "configmap-demo-pod" is invalid: spec.containers[0].volumeMounts[0].name: Not found:…
Daniel Quinn
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Kubernetes Network Namespace description

I am new to detailed networking. I am trying to understand the details on how kubernetes networking works. Network Namespace cni-0ed19206-6689-517c-cad4-e85b587fcc10 When I run following command ip netns exec…
Ankit Bansal
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1 answer

Kubernetes Pods Getting in Pending State Forever

We have a CronJob which will run every 'x' minutes. For each and every Schedule, A Pod will be Scheduled and it runs and it is doing its job. Now, After 2-3 days, The Pod is getting into Pending State and now the Pod is not doing its job and not…
1 answer

How to prevent changing ownership of '/data/db' in mongodb pod

I'm running a mongodb instance as a kubernetes pod in a single node cluster (bare metal ubuntu machine). The volume is configured ReadWriteOnce as the mongodb pod is accessed only by pods in one node. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: …
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Creating custom certs for kubeadm resolving in a "dead" cluster

What happened? I created a manual script to create all the certs located in /etc/kubernetes/pki and /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd on a running cluster on centos 7, as well as modifieng the conf files located in /etc/kubernetes {admin.conf,…
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How to skip resources during terraform destroy?

It seems there is an issue with order of deletion, the aws-auth configmap used for accessing the cluster is getting destroyed before the deletion of other resources, even after that EBS volumes are left behind, need help on that also. Any option to…
0 answers

Digitalocean: Loadbalancer toleration kubernetes nodes

Is it possible to use affinity on DigitalOcean LB only for nodes with a tag? I have already configured three droplets with Istio in DO Kubernetes cluster. So I would like to direct traffic from LB only to these three nodes, instead of all…
0 answers

Tell promtail via labels that the logs are in JSON format for specific pods

I have promtail installed as a daemonset. Almost all applications in the cluster log traditional messages, except one that is logging JSON. However, when i query the data, i get lines like this: 2022-06-26T06:27:33.495400742Z stdout F {"json":"data…
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