Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Kubernetes - how to use multiple external IPs

I'm starting to learn Kubernetes and there's one thing I currently don't understand. Let's say I have three virtual machines (VMware) with some unique external IPs (let's say X,Y,Z IP addresses). Let's say we want to expose 3 different websites on…
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How do I get Kubernetes to work without the "connection over port 8080" error?

I installed Kubernetes in RHEL 7.x. I expect kubectl commands to work without errors. Port 8080 is not being blocked from my client workstation to the RedHat server with Kubernetes. I tried several things to diagnose the problem. I ran this…
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Redis-cluster Master consumes more memory than expected

I am running this redis cluster implementation in kubernetes: After some time running the master starts consuming more and more memory. It gets to the point where its consuming about 7gb of memory…
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Kubernetes load balancer not receiving an external IP

[ansible@kctl-master kubectl]$ sudo kubectl get services NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes 443/TCP 43s nginx-ingress 80:32102/TCP …
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Kubernetes/Flannel doens't work in private network

I am able to run kubernetes (via kubeadm) on a private cluster/cloud without issue only when the nodes in the cluster have access to the internet (all node are connected to a dumb switch, which then has a network cable out to a gateway). If I remove…
Andi Jay
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How to sleep a pod in Kubernetes

I'm starting using Kubernetes/Docker and would like to know how to configure it for sleep some pod (container) after 30 minutes of inactivity. My team will working with a lot of pod and some of them will have to sleep after some time without user…
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Monitor health of prometheus deployment within kubernetes?

The setup is currently this: Kubernetes is deployed on AWS instances within a private hosted zone on AWS (only vpn access to the instances, though there is a NAT gatway), with Prometheus deployed as a stateful set within kubernetes to monitor…
0 answers

fluentd services die immediately after they start up

Please excuse the naivety in my question, but this is not a subject I know much about at present. My company is currently running kubernetes-managed fluentd processes to push logs to logstash. These fluentd processes start up and fail immediately…
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Running a HTTPS SSE server over Kubernetes/Ingress and Google Cloud Platform

I'm running a SSE server on a VPS and it works perfectly, no problems at all, but due to scalability reasons I needed to move it to another server. I moved the server to Google Cloud Platform/Google Container Engine and Kubernetes/Ingress. But now…
0 answers

Ansible Jenkins plugin not working in GKE on top of docker/kubernetes - infinite loop

I have such simple playbook: - hosts: tasks: - name: Jenkins - add job jenkins_job: config: "{{ lookup('file', 'jenkins_conf/pipeline_staging.xml') }}" name:…
1 answer

Ansible - jenkins plugin failing on Google Container Engine (GKE) - infinite loop with ingress

I have such config for ansible: - hosts: localhost connection: local tasks: - name: Jenkins - add job jenkins_job: config: "{{ lookup('file', 'jenkins_conf/pipeline_staging.xml') }}" …
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Azure Kubernetes container machine doesn't connect to server

I have created a new Azure container machine with kubernetes as orchestration. After ssh to my master machine , I tried to check kubernets version by kubectl version. But it was unable to connect the server machine. Client Version:…
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How to tell Kubernetes which nodes to put kube-system pods?

When I create a node-pool for a specific purpose, is there a way to tell Kubernetes not to put kube-system pods such as kube-proxy on those nodes (which consumes memory)? When this happens, the actual pod that is supposed to request all the memory…
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How to use minikube on Windows 10 home edition?

I use mingw on Windows. It likes Linux. I downloaded minikube and kubectl Windows edition and set alias in ~/.bashrc: alias minikube=/c/Users/username/minikube/minikube.exe alias kubectl=/c/Users/username/kubectl/kubectl.exe If I run minikube or…
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kubeapi server as kubernetes pod

My apologies if this is not the correct place to ask this. I'm a bit baffled by the cluster that some kubernetes deployment scripts generate (like kubeadm). It seems that kube-api server itself runs as a pod inside the Kubernetes cluster itself.…
Jeroen Jacobs
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