I use mingw on Windows. It likes Linux. I downloaded minikube and kubectl Windows edition and set alias in ~/.bashrc:

alias minikube=/c/Users/username/minikube/minikube.exe
alias kubectl=/c/Users/username/kubectl/kubectl.exe

If I run minikube or kubectl, they works well.

But I want to start minikube:

$ minikube start

Then got error:

kubectl could not be found on your path.  kubectl is a requirement for using minikube
To install kubectl, please do the following:

download kubectl from:
Add kubectl to your system PATH

To disable this message, run the following:

minikube config set WantKubectlDownloadMsg false
Starting local Kubernetes cluster...
Starting VM...
E0509 17:37:04.195865    4880 start.go:116] Error starting host: Error loading existing host. Please try running [minikube delete], then run [minikube start] again.: Error getting migrated host: unexpected end of JSON input.

E0509 17:37:04.199770    4880 start.go:122] Error starting host:  Error loading existing host. Please try running [minikube delete], then run [minikube start] again.: Error getting migrated host: unexpected end of JSON input

Why can't it realize the host?

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1 Answers1



$ rm -rf ~/.minikube

Then run start again:

$ minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
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