Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Why does Kubernetes recommend a large VM for the master node?

I'm looking at this guide for deploying a Kubernetes cluster to AWS, it says: For the master, for clusters of less than 5 nodes it will use an m3.medium, for 6-10 nodes it will use an m3.large; for 11-100 nodes it will use an m3.xlarge. For…
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Dynamic firewall rules in Google cloud - granting access from all kubernetes nodes to one instance

Let's say that you have a kubernetes cluster with a few nodes in a project in google cloud, and you have one separate instance in that project that all the nodes should have access to. How do you go about granting access to this instance…
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How to connect to a VPC on Google Cloud using VPN

I'm on my home network. I've installed a VPN server using Raspberry Pi. I've connected my laptop with 4G (using my phone). I had a different IP. After connecting to my VPN server I had my IP from home. So this seems to work. But now I want to…
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Why does kubeadm upgrade get stuck waiting for the kubelet to restart the component?

I'm trying to upgrade a Kubernetes multi-master cluster from v1.8.5 to v1.9.1 on Ubuntu 1604 LTS. When I run sudo kubeadm upgrade apply v1.9.1 it gets as far as backing up the old manifest for kube-apiserver.yaml and then displays…
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Port a bare-metal service into Kubernetes

I am new to docker/contaners etc. I have a node server running on a metal machine on port 8080. I have NginX running as a reverse proxy for it. The application establishes a web socket per client connected, to facilitate real-time chat. At the…
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2 answers

Specify how a container is replaced with Kubernetes

I am creating my kubernetes cluster through deis. Currently when ever rolling out new deploys, kubernetes will start new containers before terminating the old. However in certain cases, it's more desirable to kill the old container before starting…
Phuong Nguyen
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2 answers

How to mount azurefile persistentVolume in a Kubernetes pod with non-root user rights?

I'm running a Kubernetes 1.8.4 cluster on Azure (populated with acs-engine v0.10). I need to run a Redis pod with data persistency, so I'm using persistentVolume / persistentVolumeClaim with azurefile storageClass so that Redis can save to that…
Olivier Dauby
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Any way to delay termination of an older pod, to "wait" for the new pod to be ready to serve requests?

We have one deployment that consists of only one pod (with service and ingress). It is using a Docker container that executes a custom run script as its command. When we roll out a new version, image is pulled, new pod is created and that script is…
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TeamCity server reports zero available disk space when run inside Kubernetes

I have a strange problem with TeamCity server (and TeamCity agent). I have them running inside Kubernetes. They both report that they have zero disk space available. However, there is enough disk space and if I ignore these warnings, everything…
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juju add-subnet fails - missing subnets in new model?

I am following this blog post to create kubernetes in existing AWS infrastructure: $ juju --version 2.2.6-xenial-amd64 My differences: I…
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Unable to find reasonable kubernetes installation documentation

I have been trying to setup kubernetes for a week now as part of an evaluation, but I can only find extremely complex manual solutions that are already out of date or outright broken insanely simple solutions that break a mind numbing amount of…
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Nginx: special behaviour for upstream "Host not found" errors?

When nginx's proxy_pass returns a 502, there may be a broad range of reasons. What I want is to be able to detect when 502 was returned because upstream host was not found (that is, failed to resolve). I know of proxy_intercept_errors, but it…
Vlad Nikiforov
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minikube fails to start kubernetes cluster

I am new to Kubernetes and was trying to build a cluster using minikube. While trying to start the cluster using minikube , it fails with the following error $ minikube start --vm-driver=kvm Starting local Kubernetes v1.8.0 cluster... Starting…
Zama Ques
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GCP: Access a Kubernetes Service from a Google Compute VM

I have services defined in Kubernetes that I'd like to access from a Google Compute VM on the same network as my k8s cluster. I've seen from this link that it is possible to ask the k8s API server how to access a service; trouble is I'm having…
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OpenShift installation and Kubernetes dependency

Do we need installed and working kubernetes to intall OpenShift or it is right now standalone solution? I don't see any information about it in any of example installation procedure…
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