Questions tagged [teamcity]

TeamCity is a user-friendly continuous integration (CI) server for professional developers and build engineers, like ourselves. It is trivial to setup and absolutely free for small teams.

78 questions
1 answer

Change TeamCity IP address and port number on multi-homed Windows Server 2008 running IIS 7

After two full days of "research" (read: banging my head against my keyboard) and cursing at TeamCity/MSDN/Tomcat documentation as well as phantom IIS bindings, I've come up with an answer to a very perplexing issue: How can I change TeamCity's IP…
Brad B.
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4 answers

Configure IIS 7 Reverse Proxy to connect to TeamCity Tomcat

We have an IIS 7 webserver configured and would like to create a reverse proxy for a TeamCity installation using Tomcat on the same machine. The IIS server site is https://somesite and I would like the TeamCity to appear as https://somesite/teamcity…
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Windows: How to start docker VM att system boot

I'm in a situation where I need to run docker on a windows based build server (I'm normally working with Arch/Debian Linux) and I can't find a way to have the docker VM to start automatically on system boot. On Linux it would be a service but on…
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3 answers

How to run a script automatically on system startup in centos

I've successfully installed TeamCity ib CentOS 6.2 Minimal. I'm stuck on trying to run a script automatically on system startup: /opt/TeamCity/bin/ start I've googled around and tried various methods all of which seems to fail. …
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How to execute bat file remotely using Psexec from team city inside the powershell command

I have a powershell command which runs in TeamCity. When I try to run a batch file remotely using psexec from this .ps file, I see once the remote execution started, nothing happens. I tried several ways discussed in multiple forums but of no…
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How to secure TeamCity deployment via Web Deploy service?

My team uses TeamCity for continuous integration. It will build, test and deploy web applications via Web Deploy to dev and qa web servers. The tricky part is deploying to a production web server - our policy dictates that developers cannot deploy…
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2 answers

Teamcity Build Agent gets killed by systemd when upgrading

On our centos system we have configured a teamcity agent as a systemd service. The service works fine except when the agent performs an upgrade. Then it gets killed while performing the upgrade. I guess this is due to the fact, that systemd watches…
1 answer

TeamCity default jdk for buildAgent on linux

I'm trying to run a TeamCity (default) build agent with 32-bit java on ubuntu 64-bit, I have created a [TeamCity]/bin/ what contains: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/ia32-java-6-sun That works fine running the server with 32-bit jre, but not for…
Seamus Boyle
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3 answers

TeamCity Reuse Configuration

I write a lot of little projects, and I'd like to use TeamCity for my build server. Is there a way for me to reuse the build configurations across multiple projects so that I can have more than 20 projects managed by TeamCity's Professional…
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How to set TeamCity Command Line Runner default shell?

I'm starting my TeamCity agent on Ubuntu 15.10 via an init.d script like so: #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: TeamCity Build Agent # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog # Default-Start: …
Mario Tacke
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2 answers

How do I automatically move artifacts from Team City to virtual directories?

Team city publishes its artifacts to a dynamically changing URL-- the version and build number keeps incrementing. How can I automate the download of such a file? Does team city even have a feature that I'm not aware of for automatically moving…
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1 answer

TeamCity, nginx, and Websockets - 501 Error

I'm currently setting up TeamCity behind an nginx reverse proxy, but I am getting an error in my browser. The error is as follows: WebSocket connection to…
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1 answer

Scripting out the installation of Team City agents

We have a reasonable-sized Team City installation and currently I am planning to add another 25 agents, 5 agents per machine. So far I was doing the installation manually: Log into the server Download and run agentInstaller.exe, add the agent…
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TeamCity - Error - Found a TeamCity internal database when no system directory or an empty system directory is expected

Our TeamCiity server was restarted the other day and it is coming up with no projects listed. There should be a total of 3. I did not configure this machine and any help is appreciated. output of our teamcity-server log: [2014-02-08 12:59:56,263] …
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2 answers

TeamCity: 'git fetch' command failed. stderr: Socket Closed

We have been working for years with TeamCity and for several weeks with git as version control system. I have set up integration with TeamCity and that has been working fine. We have four different projects that use git Recently some of the projects…
Klas Mellbourn
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