Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

NGINX: redirect only external traffic from HTTP to HTTPS?

I am currently trying to redirect HTTP to HTTPS on my NGINX web server, however only for external connections. Internal connections such as a localhost should be able to access it via HTTP without being redirected. This is for the livenessProbe and…
Seth Falco
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1 answer

dns appending local domain to random queries

Aug 9 23:14:45 dnsmasq[11657]: reply is Aug 9 23:14:45 dnsmasq[11657]: reply is Aug 9 23:14:45 dnsmasq[11657]: reply is Aug …
Evan R.
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2 answers

Is it possible to provision an SSL proxy for a kubernetes service of type "LoadBalancer" in GKE?

When I use type: LoadBalancer on a GKE service, the controller provisions a TCP load balancer. Is it possible to have an SSL proxy (targetSslProxy) with it? Note that the application layer protocol is not HTTP, so I do not want an ingress.
1 answer

Kubernetes + CRI-O + Fluent-Bit

We like to use the EFK stack for centralised logging of containers running in Kubernetes with CRI-O. The recommended DaemonSet looks like this: kind: DaemonSet metadata: namespace: logging name: fluent-bit labels: component:…
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1 answer

How to do / to /index redirection for an application when I am using haproxy ingress rules

I am using HAProxy Ingress Controller and have rules set for /index and /app. I want any traffic on / to be redirected to /index. How can I achieve this? I Have 4 deployments via haproxy, default-backend (on / gives 404 and /healthz gives 200),…
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1 answer

Using Kubernetes to Run and Balance Batch Jobs

I've an application. It can generate CSV files. It consists of: A Mysql db. Message Queue. Some coordinator services. A set of worker services. I do not have access to the source for the application, and cannot change it. The application was not…
1 answer

Kubernetes API security SSH tunnel

We are deploying our companies first (RBAC enabled) kubernetes cluster for internal usage. The employees should be allowed to access it with their own (certificate based) credentials. The cluster is online available and hosted in a…
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0 answers

Creating multimaster kubernetes cluster

I need to create failover k8s cluster of 2 masters and 3 worker nodes with stacked control plane and etcd nodes, and calico as network plugin. There is virtual ip and haproxy balancer on masters. Kubernetes version is 1.15.1. I used to deploy…
Paul K.
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1 answer

How to have different NodeSelector config on pods within a StatefulSet

I have an Openshift cluster which spans multiple datacenters. Each data center has a zone configured such that a NodeSelector can be used to choose which data center a pod gets allocated in. I also have a StatefulSet which configures 10 pods. I…
2 answers

change name of the pods via helm

I am trying to run mongodb via helm. I want to run 1 primary replica and 2 secondary replicas. I would like to setup the following naming for the 3 mongodb pods once they are created: mongo-0 mongo-1 mongo-2 And lets say that mongo-0 would be…
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1 answer

How could I give a k8s role permissions on Service Accounts

I'm trying to create a role that will have permissions to create service accounts in Kubernetes (and only that), but I'm getting permission denied errors, I don't know what I'm doing wrong... This is my role definition apiVersion:…
Didi Kohen
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2 answers

Kubernetes and kswapd0 an evil couple?

I build a bare-metal kubernetes cluster (nothing heavy, just three server) with kubeadm on Debian 9. Like ask by Kubernetes I disable the SWAP : swapoff -a removing the SWAP line in /etc/fstab Adding vm.swappiness = 0 to /etc/sysctl.conf So, there…
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1 answer

In a production Environment, how does Kubernetes manage TLS Certificates

I've put in place a master and some slaves, I've also generated some TLS certificates manually, and trusted those certificates all around the system. Now, I've installed an open source PKI, and I'd like to automatically manage the lifecycle of those…
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1 answer

Running multiple instances of same springboot application

I've a spring-boot application which i want to deploy on OVH public cloud. I need t achieve the goal of deploying multiple instances of the same application, and each instance has to have its own resources (such as MySQL database). Each instance has…
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1 answer

Start and stop Kubernetes on Azure

How do you restart Kubernetes on Azure manually? According to this article, it's possible to restart either using Azure Portal or Azure CLI but I don't see any options for this in the portal or from the az aks…
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