Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

How to setup an internal loadbalancer in a EU GKE region to be used from US GKE over network peering

In our EU region we have an operations cluster, where we serve all of our managements services. Next to it we have an EU cluster in the same region, where we service all of our regional services. We also have a US cluster where the regional…
0 answers

Kubernetes CronJob, don't queue up missed jobs

I've read these docs over multiple times but still don't think I understand what startingDeadlineSeconds does. I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to avoid rescheduling a job if a current one is running (with CronJob) and instead just let the…
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Why isn't the new version replacing the old in Kubernetes?

I'm trying to figure out how to deploy my application with Kubernetes, but I haven't touched it in a couple of years, so, the little that I haven't forgotten seems to have changed. I created a deployment.yaml which I deployed and as expected, it…
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Kubernetes / nginx - how to identify an http request coming from another service within the cluster

I've got Kubernetes running on Google Cloud, and I have one service connected to a pod with a Nodejs server, and another service connected to a pod with NGINX. In the NGINX pod, I have a location block that I would like to globally deny except if it…
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Run scalable Service in GKE with fixed Domain and Port

I've a shipped app where a URL is hardcoded "". This DNS points to an VM where an NGINX distributes the traffic to services. Now I need to put a highly scalable service in front of the VM, WITHOUT having the…
2 answers

Kubernetes DaemonSet Pod exceeds memory limit but is not killed

We use kubernetes (specifically: openshift) to run our infrastructure in our team. One of the daemonsets, fluentd, is currently causing a lot of trouble, frequently taking full nodes down with huge CPU, memory and disk I/O requirements (like really,…
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How do I provide access to my k3s cluster?

I have a k3s cluster (2 nodes) running a simple nginx service. I'm trying to expose that to the internet. I need to forward all traffic from my router to something in k3s in order to serve things on * I'm unsure what the steps are to…
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Disable Source NAT for Calico

The default settings that kubeadm + calico use is to NAT any incoming connection that is not from a pod_ip. I have calico publishing the service network to my outside LAN, and would rather the service pods utilize the actual client IPs and not a…
Matt Ruge
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List Kubernetes api-server flags on GKE

I don't seem to be able to find a way to list all the flags the api server has set on GKE. Given I cannot SSH into the master nodes to check the process, as those are managed by Google, how do I find out i.e. what value is set for…
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Installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (with Docker) - fails on init

I am attempting to install Kubernetes on VMs running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and running into a problem when trying to initialise the system, the kubeadm init command results in failure (full log below). VM: 2 CPUs, 512mb RAM, 100 gig disk, running under…
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Minikube files do not persist after restart

I'm using minikube version 0.28.0 and files don't persist after a restart. I ran into the problem after noticing my database data disappears after a restart (even though the pods, pv's, and pvc's say they've been up for days). I used minikube ssh to…
s g
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How can I decommision a kubernetes master node, leaving it a regular node to join to a new cluster?

I have a machine running as a Kubernetes master. It's also a node in its cluster. I want to stop all the masterish stuff and leave it as a node I can join elsewhere. I also have the following constraints on it: No internet access (so I can't…
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Kubernetes - App not showing in browser

I setup my own cluster using Kubespray on google cloud: 1 master, 1 node. I launched a jenkins app on it. The app does not show up in the browser even though everything appears to be correct. My service and deployment (copied from article on…
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Does Readiness check keep running after a pod has been marked unready?

My understanding is that after waiting for 45 seconds, Kubernetes is going to hit /heartbeat and wait for the response for 5 seconds. If it doesn't get the response, it is going to try 5 times(every 60 seconds). After 5x60seconds=5mins has elapsed,…
2 answers

vault init hangs on kubernetes

I'm trying to set up an autosealing vault cluster in kubernetes but I'm seeing some strange behaviour. I have one vault providing the transit secret to autounseal the second vault . They are running in the same k8s cluster in separate namespaces.…
Javier PR
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