Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Kubernetes Ingress Controller & LoadBalancer on AWS

I want to create a single node K8S cluster on AWS and run a simple demo app, exposed to the outside world on port 80. How do I do this? Conceptually I understand that I need a pod which is defined by a deployment and exposed by an AWS load balancer.…
1 answer

In EKS resolv.conf inherited from node

I make EKS cluster like this I use Amazon Linux 7 ( default ami-0ee5ca4231511cafc) After deploying PODs inside file /etc/resolv.conf like on node. On node: options timeout:2 attempts:5 ; generated…
1 answer

GKE load balancing + ingress controlller for dev env

I've got some domain with some subdomains (,, etc). That's hosted in GKE and contains one ingress with the mass of routing. This all used to be deployed manually. Now I've created subdomain…
1 answer

OpenShift 3.11: Edit Prometheus config managed by Operator

OpenShift 3.11 has a builtin Prometheus/Alertmanager/Grafana Stack, which is managed by an Operator. The default Prometheus settings are written in a secret called prometheus-k8s. I'd like to know how to edit this configuration without the hassle…
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Efficent networking in k8s - 2 ingress strategies

Right now I have cluster of 9 K8s server (1 master, 3 regular workers and 5 static content workers). Ingress is running as nodeport on 80 (I know this is not recommended). DNS is pointing to static content workers. I encountered…
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User "system:serviceaccount:tiller-world:tiller" cannot create resource "clusterroles" in API group "" at the cluster scope

I'm trying to follow TILLER AND ROLE-BASED ACCESS CONTROL, yet running into install fails at the end, can't figure out what I missed( $ kubectl create namespace tiller-world namespace/tiller-world created $ kubectl create serviceaccount tiller…
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Expose Confluent Kafka outside of the cluster but inside of the GCP

I've installed Confluent Kafka OSS using their official helm chart: However, I would like to consume Kafka topics in a GCP Dataflow so this mean, I guess, that I need to make the Kafka pods available…
Gabriele B
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How to return 200 for health checks

Google Cloud GCP Will NOT forward to Ingress that does not pass health checks. Could anyone share how exactly to configure Traefik Ingress to pass health checks? I think it needs to return a 200 on /health or something like that. But what would…
Steven Smart
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Update deployment image with Kubernetes on just a few nodes selectively

I have a working Kubernetes single master cluster with 14 worker nodes. 4 of those nodes host the web application, and 10 host the backend application. Because of the way our architecture is thought out, I would sometimes need to only update a few…
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0 answers

Ingress root path not redirected to HTTPS despite `ssl-redirect=true`

Setup: Azure AKS with application gateway ingress, annotated with ssl-redirect=true Problem: Root path doesn't get redirected to HTTPS. Here's my ingress.yml: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: my-ingress …
Aviad P.
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1 answer

Listeners reset to HTTP after every deployment

My setup is this: Azure AKS with application gateway as the ingress. I have a deploy.yml and a service.yml describing my service, and I have a tls secret set up properly. Problem is this, I can use the Azure portal to manually create an HTTPS…
Aviad P.
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K8S: securing GlusterFS

I have a question on how to divide access to the same gluster for different K8S namespaces. Let's say, I have 3 different volumes (vol-a, vol-b, vol-c) in a gluster and I'd like to permit access to each of them for each of different namespaces…
Volodymyr Melnyk
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1 answer

openshift_logging_es_nodeselector install EFK on infra nodes

I am trying to install EFK on my cluster and am having problems. here is my node description snip (okd 3.11) metadata: name: selfLink: /api/v1/nodes/ uid:…
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1 answer

Can't access LB through cloud NAT

We are running private GKE cluster over GCP. Our services expose to the internet via nginx-ingress and TCP LB white listed in the service.yaml definition. One of our pods is trying to access another pod through the Public LB. (I know it's not the…
1 answer

Cannot connect GitLab to GKE Cluster

I am trying to create a CI Pipeline for my GitLab project to deploy my microservices automatically on a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. Sadly I am unable to use the build-In native Google Cloud Integration from GitLab as it isn't properly…