Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

ingress nginx upstream sent no valid HTTP/1.0 header while reading response header from upstream

I'm trying to setup an nginx ingress controller for services in my namespace. One of the backend services accept HTTP traffic on port 80, the other accepts only HTTPS traffic on port 443. See the description of those both services $ kubectl describe…
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NSX/NCP Ingress to secure (HTTPS/TLS) backend

I'm using NSX/NCP Ingress in a dedicated VMWare PKS cluster. I am attempting to stand up ingress to Elasticsearch and the backend service uses HTTPS. I can not seem to find a way to have NSX Ingress talk to a backend HTTPS…
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kubernetes multi master setup design

I am able to install k8s(1.17.3) single master environment and now planning to deploy MultiMaster by following link with kubeadm (Stacked control plane and etcd nodes) It requires to provide --control-plane-endpoint…
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Share cacerts, truststore across multiples nodes of Kubernetes

K8s n00b here. How would a java app that can have multiple pods, across nodes, use the same cacerts, truststore across? Should I take some different approach? My use-case is that an admin of that app can add a cert./key to these truststore, cacerts,…
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2 answers

What does it mean to have more than one instance of Prometheus in Kubernetes

Suppose I'm using a volume to persist my Prometheus data, I wonder if I can have more than one instance of it running to have high availability. I believe only one instance of Prometheus must be in charge of writing to the tsdb series, and having…
Ali Tou
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2 answers

Postgres mount volume error in k8s

I'm trying to deploy Postgres with a PersistentVolumeClaim in GKE. As per the description here (look at PGDATA), it is recommended to create a subdirectory if mounting an external volume. So, this is what I did with my PG deployment: spec: …
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2 answers

Missing metrics for "kubelet_volume_*" in Prometheus

I setup latest in an AWS EKS cluster in which I'm using the Amazon EBS CSI driver for persistent volume claims, but I don't see any "kubelet_volume_*" metrics being available in prometheus. According to…
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1 answer

What am I doing wrong with private GKEs peering and Cloud NAT?

I am trying to mount the following platform on Google Cloud: 2 private (native) GKE clusters, in 2 different VPCs and to give them access to the internet, each vpc has a Cloud Nat configurated. What I need is that the 2 GKE clusters interact, but…
1 answer

Need help understanding label overwrite behavior in kubernetes

I am learning kubernetes by walking through a kubernetes tutorial. While working through the exercises in module 4, I observed an odd behavior from kubernetes when overwriting a label. I could use some explanation, because what I see doesn't match…
Lee Jenkins
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Kubernetes - Ingress vs Nginx with Loadbalancer

AFAIK an Ingress is just an abstraction layer to a LoadBalancer service targeting Nginx (or others) Are there features only an ingress can provide? Are there any drawbacks of using LoadBalancer + Nginx?
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0 answers

kube-state-metrics doesn't show hardware utilization

I installed this yamls I can see CPU per pod utilization only from system pods such as: calico-node, coredns,…
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1 answer

How to serve user uploaded files in Django / nginx in Kubernetes on GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

I'm trying to convert a django(with gnunicorn)/nginx/postgres docker-compose environment (using docker-compose) to kubernetes on GCP. I've got everything running smoothly except for serving MEDIA content. In django this is any user uploaded content.…
1 answer

RedHat 7.6, reboot cause applications listen on tcp6 sockets only

We have some vmware virtual machines with RHEL 7.6 installed, recently all of them got a reboot due data center move location. The problem is, after reboot some applicaiton, such as Java, kube-proxy only listen on tcp6 sockets, which is strange.…
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1 answer

Online Kubernetes (kubeadm) control plane certificate renewal

kubeadm creates certificates for the Kubernetes control plane that are valid for one year. They will be renewed on every Kubernetes upgrade. Since it is definitely a good idea to update a Kubernetes cluster at least once per year, this should lead…
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0 answers

Maesh address not resolved in AKS

I'm currently working with migrating a deployment to maesh. In this process I annotated, as required. my service with the maesh label. But trying to curl the service afterwards fails. The old address(in my example) with…
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