Questions tagged [nsx]

The NSX-T load balancer creates a load balancer service for each Kubernetes cluster provisioned by Enterprise PKS with NSX-T. For each load balancer service, NCP, by way of the CRD, creates corresponding NSXLoadBalancerMonitor objects.

By default Enterprise PKS deploys the following NSX-T virtual servers for each Kubernetes cluster:

  • One TCP layer 4 load balancer virtual server for the Kubernetes API server.

  • One TCP layer 4 auto-scaled load balancer virtual server for each Kubernetes service resource of type:LoadBalancer

  • Two HTTP/HTTPS layer 7 ingress routing virtual servers. These virtual server are attached to the Kubernetes Ingress Controller cluster load balancer service and can be manually scaled. Enterprise PKS uses Kubernetes custom resources to monitor the state of the NSX-T load balancer service and scale the virtual servers created for ingress.

For information about configuring the layer 7 ingress controller see

For information about configuring layer 7 ingress routing load balancers see

For more information about the NSX-T Load Balancer, see

3 questions
1 answer

Too many redirects NSX Load Balancer (HA Proxy) Application rule

We are trying to do a redirect from / to /access/signin however with the following application rule we see too many redirects (looping) for HTTPS, HTTP is working fine. acl TEST-RDR hdr_dom(Host) -i acl TEST-RDR path_beg…
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1 answer

NSX/NCP Ingress to secure (HTTPS/TLS) backend

I'm using NSX/NCP Ingress in a dedicated VMWare PKS cluster. I am attempting to stand up ingress to Elasticsearch and the backend service uses HTTPS. I can not seem to find a way to have NSX Ingress talk to a backend HTTPS…
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0 answers

ACL to block certain vcloud pages unless from certain IPs

I have a need to block a tenant URL in vcloud and have managed to do this for the direct attempts, ie, but I can't seem to block the /login/?service=tenant:tenantname&redirectTo=blahblahblah I need to wildcard, it…