Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
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Kubernetes cluster not working after setting up IP forwarding

I am doing a research project and our end goal is to essentially construct a kubernetes cluster using several Raspberry Pis. I've included the fact that we are using Raspberry Pis for reference, but I do not think it is quite relevant for my…
1 answer

Kubernetes cluster experience when using 2G RAM (Atomic PI boards in my case) for learning/lab purposes

I'm looking for an advice whether it's possible to run K8s master + node on 2G x86_64 box? Atomic PI is based on X86 and has 2G while it's cheap. If I want 4G or 8G boards such as LattePanda Alpha or Udoo X86, they cost nearly 10 times more. 1) So…
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mysql helm aks keeps crashing

I tried to install mysql using helm chart helm install mysql --set mysqlRootPassword=medone,mysqlUser=mysql,mysqlPassword=medone,mysqlDatabase=profil,persistence.existingClaim=mysql-pv-claim stable/mysql when i tried to connect to the pod it…
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Finding wasteful or over-provisioned pods on a "full" but underutilized Kubernetes cluster

I work on a Kubernetes cluster where, right now, about 95% of the CPUs and 90% of the memory have been allocated to pods. However, according to the Kubernetes Dashboard, the overall instantaneous CPU load on the cluster is only about 5% of the total…
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cert-manager nginx-ingress SSL connection error

i successfully installed cert-manager and nginx-ingress in my kubernetes cluster. Ingress is working as expected and was tested. Certificate creation via cert-manager is also working. I created a test deployment, but the service is not accessible…
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Experimental setup of PostgresXL on Kubernetes with Local volumes

I'm making a Gedankenexperiment about deploying PostgresXL on Kubernetes (k8s) where each datanode uses local (Directly Attached) storage. Imagine we have the following nodes: 2x highend machines with blazingly fast Optane DC SSD and NVDIMM. These…
1 answer

What does "one replica" mean?

Preliminary remark: The word replica means repetition or copy for me, but: When someone speaks of "one replica", does that mean one instance or two instances in total? Interestingly, I have come across the use of the former case and this makes me a…
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Why do I have to explicitely define labels multiple times?

Why is there a need of defining one's deployment's labels multiple times? Just to explain my question fast I'll give an example. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: app # 1st Time labels: app: app tier: backend spec: …
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Cloudfront infront of ELB and kubernetes is showing Default backend (nginx-ingress)

Having kubernetes cluster with nginx ingress, pointed to AWS ELB load balancer and Route 53 domain pointed to this ELB is working just fine. Now I am trying to add cloudfront, it's pointing to load balancer, but it shows 404 Default backend all the…
0 answers

Apache ProxyPass returns 400 Bad Request with HTTPS

I have an Apache server in front of a web application server (AEM) that proxies requests to another application server (Magento). When I'm using this on localhost with HTTP everything is fine, but after deploying entire stack to Kubernetes in Google…
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My web application is running on One Server and two worker nodes

my nginx config file is server { listen ip-address:80 ; server_name; server_name; server_name; location / { proxy_pass…
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3 answers

EKS cluster nodes go from Ready to NotReady after approximately 30 minutes with authorization failures

I am using eksctl to set up a cluster on EKS/AWS. Following the guide in the EKS documentation, I use default values for pretty much everything. The cluster is created successfully, I update the Kubernetes configuration from the cluster, and I can…
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1 answer

Setup VPN Gateway to Azure Kubernetes Service

I am trying to connect an Azure Kubernetes Service instance to an "On premise" SQL Server through a VPN Gateway. I'm using this command to create the cluster: az aks create \ --resource-group ${rg} \ --name ${name} \ --node-count…
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1 answer

Poor performance with rook, ceph and RBD

I have a k8s cluster on 4 VMs. 1 master and 3 workers. On each of the workers, I use rook to deploy a ceph OSD. The OSDs are using the same disk as the VM Operating System. The VM disks are remote (the underlaying infrastructure is again a Ceph…
1 answer

Use Kubernetes RBAC namespace roles?

I'm trying to give a service account my-service-account access to apply deployments within a namespace my-namespace in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster running Kubernetes 1.14. This is what my rolebinding looks like: $ kubectl describe rolebinding…
Luke Schlather
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