Questions tagged [google-cloud-sql]

Google Cloud SQL is a service that allows you to create, configure, and use relational databases that operate from Google's Cloud Platform.

Google Cloud SQL is a service that allows you to create, configure, and use relational databases that operate from Google's Cloud Platform.

130 questions
4 answers

Cannot connect to Cloud SQL Postgres from GKE via Private IP

I am having trouble accessing a Cloud SQL instance running Postgres from a GKE cluster using the database's private IP. All the documentation I've found suggests using a VPC-enabled cluster to accomplish this, but I am still having trouble reaching…
2 answers

Am I doing Google Cloud deployment wrong?

I've previously used Heroku and AWS and am now setting up a service on the Google Cloud platform using App Engine and Cloud SQL (Postgres). We've tried to build the app using 12 factor principles. The setup has been proving so tedious that I'm…
2 answers

Access Google Cloud SQL via VPN tunnel

We have a VPN tunnel from the office to the Google Cloud. It's working correctly, we are able to hit VMs and containers (kubernetes). The problem is that the SQL instance can't be accessed using this tunnel. You can jump through a VM instance but…
1 answer

Issue Connecting to Cloud SQL Postgres using Private IP from GKE

Steps I have followed: 1. Create VPC network gcloud compute networks create stg-vpc \ --subnet-mode custom 2. Create IP range for VPC Peering for this network gcloud beta compute addresses create google-managed-services-stg-vpc \ --global \ …
1 answer

Google cloud SQL: error during import of Postgresql dump with extensions

I'm trying to import dump with extensions it it, excerpt from SQL: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language'; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore WITH SCHEMA…
2 answers

"Could not complete the operation" when trying to add an authorized network to Cloud SQL instance

I'm trying to add an authorized network to our cloud sql instance, but each time I click Save I get told Could not complete the operation. That's it unfortunately, there's no explanation as to what the problem might be. Any ideas?
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Google Cloud SQL authorize Auto Scale Instance Groups

I have an instance group set up with Auto Scaling and Load Balancing. I'm also using Google Cloud SQL for the MySQL server. Whenever instance group scales up and adds another instance, the instance gets a new IP address. The problem is that this…
2 answers

Giving friendly names to authorised networks via gcloud command

I'm authorising instances access to PostgreSQL via the gcloud command: gcloud sql instances patch blah-sql-dev --authorized-networks,,..... What I'm seeing under Cloud SQL's Authorised Networks is just the IP addresses…
2 answers

Can't Connect from GCP AppEngine to GCP Cloud SQL

I have a simple Java servlet app, deployed to the GCP AppEngine. Under the same GCP, I have created a MySQL instance of GCP Cloud SQL. I would like to save the value on MySQL server when someone makes an HTTP Post request. However, my Java App…
1 answer

How to configure Cloud SQL Postgres to require SSL but not client certificates?

Is there a way to create a Cloud SQL Postgres instance that Enforces SSL/TLS, but that does not require the use of client certificates? In pg_hba.conf, this would be a line containing hostssl but not clientcert=1. I have tried Enforcing SSL/TLS…
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3 answers

Centos7 systemctl start unit not found

I look everywhere and just for the life of me figure out why systemctl would not start my unit. I am trying to start GCP's cloud-sql-proxy as a systemd service. This is what my cloud-sql-proxy.service looks…
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3 answers

GCP Private IP CloudSQL

I have configured private Service Access for CloudSql from my VPC. My VPC has 2 subnets in regions us-west1 and us-central1. The issue is: My app is NOT able to connect to the CloudSQL instance from us-west1 (subnet) but is able to connect from…
1 answer

How to connect to Cloud SQL MySQL database from App Engine?

I am currently setting up an open-source marketing software called Mautic on App Engine Flexible Environment. However, I'm having trouble with connecting the App Engine to the Cloud SQL MySQL database using MySQLi. Mautic is a PHP application built…
Elisha Lai
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2 answers

GCP: Permission denied to execute cloud_sql_proxy within Compute VM

I've created my first Compute instance with container-optimized OS and following scopes: Cloud SQL Enabled Compute Engine Read Write Service Control Enabled Service Management Read Only Stackdriver Logging API Write…
2 answers

GCP Cloud SQL postgres in bad state after maintenance

There was what looks like a planned maintenance in our HA managed postgres cloud sql instance and it's in a bad state since. Jan 7, 2018, 2:08:21 AM Update An unknown error occurred. The failover instance did not work "by failing over", now…
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