Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
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GitLab AutoDevOps Error timeout deployment rollout to finish kubernetes

I applied the AutoDevOps gitlab-ci configuration. Connect Kubernetes cluster to DigitalOcean. Pipeline timeout error. What could be the problem? $ deploy secret/myprod-xjxj5s-secret replaced Deploying new release... Release "myprod-xjxj5s" does not…
1 answer

How to simultaneously update 2 services with kubernetes?

Kubernetes rolling updates will be creating new pods with updates and gradually change old pods by new, and as soon as new pod is ready it will get traffic by round-robin with the old ones. But what to do in case that I have 2 services one is using…
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Kubernetes storage provisioner

I'm a volunteer developer working in an NGO, we don't have much money so some companies gives us graciously some old hardware that I try to use to develop web applications for the NGO. As I'm lonely, I'm trying to automate everything and then I…
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How to start an "Evicted" kube-proxy?

I want to install and configure Web UI (Dashboard):kubernetes-dashboard on my main Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (Xenial Xerus) server. I am getting an error and not able to proceed further as shown in the screenshot the kube-proxy node is "Evicted". Help me…
2 answers

Kubernetes - imagePullSecrets deployment authorization failure

I'm trying to deploy a Kubernetes container by pulling an image from a remote registry ( While it works perfectly when deploying a pod, there is an unexpected problem with quay authorization when deploying it as a deployment. Don't know…
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Monitoring internal Kubernetes certificates

I am trying to find information about how to monitor internal Kubernetes certificates for expiry. I previously ran into an issue where the certificates expired and my services could no longer communicate, forcing me to rebuild the cluster. Now I'm…
3 answers

kafka scripts in "bin" directory fail with "Address already in use" (running in kubernetes)

I have a kafka set up running in minikube. It's up and running, and I'm able to produce messages into it and consume them back out. However, when I'm logging in to one the brokers (using kubectl exec if relevant) and try to get some information…
Tom Klino
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Hung kernel tasks after unclean shutdown of ceph cluster

I am running ceph (created by the rook-ceph operator v0.9.3) on kubernetes v1.13. After an unclean shutdown of our cluster, some processes randomly go into uninterruptible sleep. After some time, the kubernetes cluster fails to schedule new Pods.…
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2 answers

Retrieve Azure Kubernetes virtual machines using Terraform

I created an Azure Kubernetes cluster using Terraform. I used the recommanded azurerm_kubernetes_cluster resource, which create the nodes under the hood. As a consequence, I don't have access to the nodes as Kubernetes object. I now want to…
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Helm Chart loads default Laravel instead of real site

I have set up my project to use this package for Kubernetes/Helm on Laravel application: When I run docker-compose up I get the real project I have been working on, but when I install Helm at tools/helm-chart…
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How can I have multiple IP addresses on a kubernetes node and then source NAT a specific service / pod to a specific IP address?

I have a kubernetes node that is set up with multiple IP addresses (it happens to be a bare-metal node, and the hardware has multiple NICs, one of the NICs has multiple IP addresses assigned - but this could be a VM node with multiple virtual…
Tom Bull
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Connect MongoDB to ElasticSearch by MongoConnector in Kubernetes

I have a MongoDB and ElasticSearch cluster which I've run by Kubernetes. I am trying to connect my ElasticSearch to MongoDB on Kubernetes but I can't find any relevant document. Can anyone help me on this?
2 answers

"failed to created runc console socket" when calling kubectl exec

I have an Ubuntu Server in my basement running MicroK8S, installed via Snap. I'm trying to create a simple pod using kubectl run that I can exec into for debugging purposes. But I keep failing. At first, I tried this command: kubectl run -it --rm…
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Unable to create Kubernetes resources with terraform

I have a working GKE Kubernetes cluster. I'm trying to use terraform to deploy new resources to it, but Terraform apply returns the following: Error: Error applying plan: 2 error(s) occurred: * kubernetes_pod.test: 1 error(s) occurred: *…
1 answer

Use Vault to manage Kubernetes secrets

We are using Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine - we currently have secrets added manually with the kubectl secret CLI. To make the secrets management more secure and easier across the team, we installed a Hashicorp Vault instance on a separate…
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