We are using Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine - we currently have secrets added manually with the kubectl secret CLI.

To make the secrets management more secure and easier across the team, we installed a Hashicorp Vault instance on a separate cluster.

What is the way to connect a Vault k/v store to the Kubernetes secrets ?

I'm looking for something like this

    - name: commonsecrets
        source: vault
        secretName: commonsecrets
        - key: SOME_API_KEY
          path: apikey.txt
        - key: SOME_CERTIFICATE
          path: certificate.pub
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1 Answers1


First thing that needs to be said clearly: kubernetes Secret API object/resource != Hashicorp Vault secrets, that you can use with kubernetes. If you use first = you don't youse the latter.

So basically there is no way to manage Kubernetes Secrets by Hashicorp Vault. Instead of using kubernetes Secret object to store sensitive data, consumed by your Pods you use for that purpose Hahicorp Vault. As vault secrets can be injected directly into Pods, you don't need to additionally mount them as volumes as in your example.

If you want to integrate Hashicorp Vault instance, installed on a separate cluster, the whole setup is described here.

If you want to deploy an app with hard-coded external Vault address, the official Hashicorp Vault documentation also explains how to do that:

The most direct way for a pod within the cluster to address Vault is with a hard-coded network address defined within the application code or provided as an environment variable. We've created and published a web application that you will deploy with the Vault address overriden.

First, create a Kubernetes service account for the pods to use to authenticate.

ServiceAccount metadata:   name: internal-app EOF

Create a deployment with this web application that sets the VAULT_ADDR to EXTERNAL_VAULT_ADDR.

apiVersion: apps/v1 
kind: Deployment 
  name: devwebapp
    app: devwebapp 
  replicas: 1  
      app: devwebapp   template:
        app: devwebapp
      serviceAccountName: internal-app
      - name: app
        image: burtlo/devwebapp-ruby:k8s
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        - name: VAULT_ADDR
          value: "http://$EXTERNAL_VAULT_ADDR:8200" EOF

The web application, targeting the external Vault, is deployed as a pod within the default namespace.

Get all the pods within the default namespace.

STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE devwebapp-68cc55948b-w9745   1/1     Running 
0          4m

Wait until the devwebapp pod reports that is running and ready (1/1).

Request content served at localhost:8080 from within the devwebapp pod.

    $(kubectl get pod -l app=devwebapp -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") \
    -- curl -s localhost:8080 ; echo

The result displays the secret is defined at the path secret/data/devwebapp/config.

   {"password"=>"salsa", "username"=>"giraffe"}

The web application authenticates with the external Vault server using the root token and returns the secret defined at the path secret/data/devwebapp/config. This hard-coded approach is an effective solution if the address to the Vault server does not change.

It's just one example among at least a few available approaches. Alternatively you may want to Deploy service and endpoints to address an external Vault or Install the Vault Helm chart configured to address an external Vault. As you can read in documentation:

The Vault Helm chart can deploy only the Vault Agent Injector service configured to target an external Vault. The injector service enables the authentication and secret retrieval for the applications, by adding Vault Agent containers as they are written to the pod automatically when a deployment includes specific annotations.

You may also want to take a look at the following articles:

Managing Secrets in Kubernetes with Vault by HashiCorp

Injecting Vault Secrets Into Kubernetes Pods via a Sidecar

Injecting Secrets into Kubernetes Pods via Vault Helm Sidecar

And many more related with using Hashicorp Vault with Kubernetes.

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