Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

Switch helm config based on kubectl context

I’m using Helm for managing apps running in my Kubernetes cluster. I’m managing multiple clusters for different environments. kubectl supports this out of the box, e.g.: kubectl config set-context staging kubectl config set-context production To…
1 answer

Microk8s keeps evicting pods

I have just installed Microk8s through Ubuntu directly. Interestingly, when I create a deployment, the pods appear to get evicted. Here's the output. What could be causing this? Let me know if you need any additional debugging info. user@mindy:~$…
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Kubernetes resources orders and dependencies and priorities

I can't find a proper way to implements what I want. I have a StatefulSet, running several identical several pods of code which use a database. I need the database to be pre-populated first (tables, schemas, etc). So I use init-containers and…
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Not able to join worker nodes using kubectl with updated aws-auth configmap

I'm setting up AWS EKS cluster using terraform from an EC2 instance. Basically the setup includes EC2 launch configuration and autoscaling for worker nodes. After creating the cluster, I am able to configure kubectl with aws-iam-authenticator. When…
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Nginx ingress to support ipv4 and ipv6 for kubernetes IPv4 cluster

I have installed K8S Cluster using 3 VMs (1 Master, 2 Workers). VM1: Eth0: IPv4-A1, Eth1: IPv4-B1, IPv6-C1 VM1: Eth0: IPv4-A2, Eth1: IPv4-B2, IPv6-C2 VM1: Eth0: IPv4-A3, Eth1: IPv4-B3, IPv6-C3 My K8S Cluster is all IPv4 - PodIp, serviceIP -…
1 answer

Coredns only resolving cluster address for default namespace

Summary I can only resolve hostnames from and for the default namespace. Requests from and for other namespaces, like kube-system, return NXDOMAIN from coredns. Is there some authorisation that needs to be done? Details I have set up a learning…
1 answer

How to Handle Long TCP Sessions deployment in ZDD?

I have an application that forward TCP connection to another App. Currently I am trying to make this application Zero Download Deployment, so I can deploy new version at any time but there is a problem I don't have not found a solution in how to…
1 answer

How to monitor free space on Kubernetes persistent volumes

Since the persistent volume information was removed from the kubelets metric information. What is the best method of monitoring or checking free space on persistent volumes?
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Kubernetes aggregation certificates - apiserver client authentication allowed names

Definitions I'm using in this question: Main apiserver: the core kube-apiserver Extension apiserver: an addon like metrics-server I am reading through the configure aggregation layer guide and I don't understand the main apiserver's use of…
1 answer

Mounting config files on Kubernetes

I'm struggling to create two JSON config files in the main application directory (/publish) while leaving all other files in that directory intact. I tried the following: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: myapp labels: …
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How do I process files on GCP through SFTP and Stateful Sets

I'm looking for a little direction here and am having some troubles. I have an application that needs to process some simple csv files and I'm struggling to connect the appropriate technologies. I have an application deployable as a container. I…
G. Ball
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0 answers

Service account token not being mounted in pod

I've create a service account for helm; the account works with kubectl, but the service account token is not being mounted in tiller's pod. Here's the Deployment's definition: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: …
2 answers

should i be able to see network namespaces from my gke nodes?

Im exploring gke. I created a gke cluster through teh GCP GUI and when I hop on a node and run this command I see nothing: ip netns list I thought k8s used network namespaces for networking? how are those network namespaces visible?
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1 answer

Enable CORS for GKE Kubernetes API

I have a Kubernetes Engine cluster set up in Google Cloud Platform and it's working wonderfully. I can query the Kubernetes API itself to get info on Kubernetes objects, using the IP-based URL of the Kubernetes Master seen when running kubectl…
1 answer

ImagePullBackOff Kubernetes from Google Cloud Container Registry

The standard Hello-World app as available on does not work. There appears to be some pull access issue, despite the fact that things should work right off the box when working with…