Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

Kubernetes: horizontal auto-scaling based on metrics in another namespace

I'd like to set up horizontal auto-scaling for a deployment based on the metrics of the ingress-controller deployed in another namespace. I have a deployment (petclinic) deployed in a certain namespace (petclinic). I have an ingress controller…
Volodymyr Melnyk
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1 answer

How to extract Kubernetes core metrics usage over time - metrics-server

I am using metrics-server in Kubernetes. How do I extract data relating to these core metrics: Number of pods running for each horizontal pod over a period of time CPU usage at certain points in time Number of failures / restarts over a period of…
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2 answers

Web base application-load balancer

I have two application Java base and Go base application. What is the best way to build a traffic distribution that will send 30% of request traffic to Java base application and 70% to Go base application using load balancer. This activity will be…
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3 answers

Automatically init rolling update of kubernetes deployment when there is a new version of container image

I have a kubernetes deployment that looks like this: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: datacollector spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: pod-type: datacollector template: metadata: labels: …
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2 answers

How to get CPU usage percentage for a namespace from Prometheus?

Our product lives in a Kubernetes cluster on our server. It is not in production yet, so there are multiple instances running in the cluster for different purposes, each in its own namespace. I need to run some load tests on one of the namespaces…
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2 answers

ingress-nginx: static IP-address for the backend

Is that possible to define an ingress ( forwarding requests to a concrete static IP-address in a private network? I have a service that isn't running on a K8S cluster, but it resides in a private network, and all K8S pods…
Volodymyr Melnyk
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1 answer

Enable debug or trace logging on Kublet for Kubernetes

Looking at the Kubernetes dev documentation I can see that there is additional logging available for a node. Utimately i'm trying to enable debug or trace logging on Kublet so that I can troubleshoot an issue i'm having. I can't seem to find any…
Brett Larson
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1 answer

Kubernetes Istio sidecars namespaces

I am currently evaluating the istio mesh within a bare metal kubernetes deployment. Everything just fine so far, I use the sidecar auto injection with the namespace labels. Now to my question: Should the namespaces kube-system and istio-system be…
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2 answers

Is it possible to change CIDR network flannel and Kubernetes

Is it possible to change CIDR network flannel on running Kubernetes cluster? If yes what will happen with the launched pods? Thanks
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1 answer

Append domain to container hostnames in a Kubernetes StatefulSet

I have created a Kubernetes StatefulSet. There are three pods in the StatefulSet with names mysql-0, mysql-1, and mysql-2 each with a single container. If I "log" onto the container in pod mysql-1 and type hostname I get the response mysql-1.…
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0 answers

why can't I talk to kubectl when a node is missing?

I'm using RKE on some local metal instances. If I kill a node (say, unplug it), kubectl doesn't respond to API requests anymore. It times out after 60sec. What should I look for? FWIW, the IP listed in .kube/config isn't the node that is currently…
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1 answer

Kubernetes Unable to connect to the server

I have a Kubernetes cluster running for months on AWS. I do not know why when I am running a kubectl command to my server from my deploy pipeline or my local computer I have Unable to connect to the server: EOF All my services seems to work…
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0 answers

Setup Local Persistent Volume on physical machines with Kubernetes

Let me make a statement first: I'm new to Kubernetes, please take it easy if I'm asking wrong questions. Ok, here is what I'm gonna do. I'm planning to build a Kubernetes for my project using some physical machines. I have 1 server for master and 2…
3 answers

Kubernetes - making Nodeport accessible on all nodes

I'm running a Kubernetes bare metal install and I'm trying to make my test nginx application (simply created with kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx) visible remotely from all nodes. The idea being I can then use a bare metal HAProxy…
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0 answers

Why use ingress to expose a service when you have a LoadBalancer?

I have been researching how Kubernetes exposes services to the outside world and have found lots of articles explaining the differences between using NodePort, LoadBalancer, and Ingress. However not one seems to explain a very fundamental…
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