Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
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Forwarding a port in docker-compose without having to open an SSH connection with the -L option specified

I've been following this tutorial on getting started with Kubernetes using Docker containers, which is a variation of this official tutorial modified to use docker-compose. I've managed to get as far as listing the nodes using kubectl get nodes but…
3 answers

Add LoadBalancer to existing service

Following this guestbook tutorial. Near the end they sort of gloss over how to create a LoadBalancer or assign NodePorts to the service. They reference this doc that describes the different types and what they do, but don't really go into detail…
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kubernetes kube-proxy iptables errors

I'm trying to setup a kubernetes cluster on several ESXi hosts. The etcd/kube-apiserver/kube-scheduler/kube-controller-manager seem okay, however on the docker hosts (in this case coreos stable hosts) kubelet seems to work but kube-proxy does…
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SAML/OpenID authentication on Docker/Core OS

I have a set of servers running Core OS/Docker/Docker Swarm. I have my users in a SAML/OpenID SSO server. I want these users to be able to run Docker containers on my Core OS cluster. How do I authenticate SAML/OpenID users into Docker/Docker Swarm?…
1 answer

Dynamic Commands and Parameters in Kubernetes Templates

We would like to enrich our kubernetes environment with consul to have a portable layer for application/stage/peer configuration. These would be my steps, based on my current understanding: build / reuse a docker image to provide consul…
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What are the consequences of Kubernetes Deployment labels not being unique?

The documentation for .spec.selector says: The .spec.selector field defines how the Deployment finds which Pods to manage. In this case, you select a label that is defined in the Pod template (app: nginx). However, more sophisticated selection…
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Pod is stuck in PodInitializing status when an initContainer is OOMKilled

I have the following on-prem Kubernetes environment: OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa) Kubernetes: 1.23.7 (single-node, build with kubeadm) NVIDIA driver: 515.65.01 nvidia-container-toolkit: 1.10.0-1.x86_64 (rpm) containerd:…
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Kubeadm 1.24 with containerd. Kubeadm init fail (centos 7)

I try to install a single node cluster on centos 7, with kubadm 1.24 and with containerd, i followed the installation steps, and i did: containerd config default > /etc/containerd/config.toml and passed : SystemdCgroup = true but the kubeadm init…
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What are the "alternatives" to Heketi for Kubernetes?

I have built a working GlusterFS cluster, and now I want to make a Kubernetes StorageClass that uses it. I see a number of tutorials and documentation pointing to Heketi as the provisioner engine. Looking at that page, however, it has the following…
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GitLab Helm Chart Minio use existing PVC

Previously in my helm chart, I had the snippet below... minio: replicas: 1 persistence: enabled: true existingClaim: minio #size: 10Gi serviceType: LoadBalancer Because I do have an existing PVC that I intend to use with Minio. …
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For a helm chart, what versions are available?

I can specify a specific version of a chart by doing: helm install --version stable/ But, how do I know which versions are available?
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ImagePullBackOff err while pulling docker image in different project in Google Cloud

I am trying to pull a private image from Artifact Registry repo in Google Cloud from a kubernetes cluster running in a different Google Cloud project using kubectl. kubernetes version 1.20.15-gke.1000 The service account for the kubernetes has…
1 answer

Pull images to Google Kubernetes Engine cluster from an artifact registry in another project?

We have a (GKE) kubernetes cluster running in "project A" that needs to get images from an artifact registry that is located in another project, B. How can I configure the project A GKE cluster to have access to pull images from the artifact…
0 answers

How can I use a plugin in ingress-nginx to wrap a request?

I'm trying to use the lua-circuit-breaker plugin with ingress-nginx in a Kubernetes cluster. I want to set up two upstream servers such that the first is "wrapped" with this circuit breaker, and it falls back to a different upstream endpoint in case…
Andrew D.
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kube-proxy not working for service cluster IPs

I installed a k8s 1.23.3 cluster on four raspberry pi's running raspberrypi OS 11 (bullseye) arm64; mostly by following this guide. The gist of it is that the control plane was created using this command kubeadm init --token={some_token}…
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