Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

How do I expose my Kubernetes-hosted services on AWS to the world?

I have a Kubernetes cluster on AWS that installed using kops (public topology). One of my deployments is a web server that I'd like to expose via CloudFront, and the other is an API server that I'd like to expose via ALB. In both cases, that would…
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Should io and cpu intensive servers be separated in kubernetes cluster?

We are designing a new cluster architecture for our web service and are planing to use Ceph object storage and kubernetes for our services. for optimizing our servers We have different options: Use identical servers and run Ceph and our services…
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HTTP Load Balancer on Google Container Engine using Ingress

I've tried following the following tutorial: Everything seems to be working up until the end where doing kubectl describe ingress basic-ingress returns Name: …
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In a container cluster like Kubernetes or Docker 1.12 Swarm, how do you resolve with external DNS to the good container on the good host?

Maybe I am dumb, maybe am I just not using the good words, but I can't find even one answer anywhere on Stackexchange or the whole Web. I have created lots of website, mostly with Wordpress, Drupal, ... (And recently, I have begun experiencing with…
2 answers

Kubernetes with Google Cloud DNS

Using a Google Container Engine cluster running Kubernetes, what would the process be in order to point onto a LoadBalanced ReplicationController? I'm aware Kubernetes supports SkyDNS - how would I go about delegating Google…
1 answer

Increasing Entropy on CoreOS

I'm trying out coreos on a kubernetes cluster. This setup includes a bind server serving DNSSEC responses. Because of the DNSSEC key management, the bind server uses up all the available entropy and hangs on startup, and takes hours to get enough…
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Update scheduling policy configuration

I am using Kubernetes on Google Container Engine. As this article says, Kubernetes' scheduling policy can be configured using JSON files. However, I can't find out how to apply its configuration to the cluster. There are no such subcommands as…
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HAProxy usage with kubernetes

I am trying to setup a kubernetes cluster using HAProxy. Right now there are only two nodes. The loadbalancer is on the master node. But i see from the logs that the connection is tried on a virtual ip that is not present. Here are the endpoints for…
tariq zafar
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2 answers

Google container engine - error creating aufs mount

We are using Kubernetes hosted on Google Container Engine. We have started to see regular pod failures with the following status: API error (500): error creating aufs mount to…
1 answer

PostgreSQL failover with Kubernetes

I've got master slave replication working with Kubernetes, but would now like to implement failover. I have pods running with the service=postgresql and role=master or role=slave roles. When the master fails, I want to select another master and…
2 answers

How to create an internal/private load balancer in google compute engine

I have two clusters. Cluster A (on google container engine) is a public facing cluster and it needs to connect to a private Cluster B (a click-to-deploy cluster on GCE) to access a service. I would like to have Cluster A connect to Cluster B through…
1 answer

Create Google Container Cluster with custom kubernetes version

I'm trying to use Google cluster container and faced very odd issue. Google preinstalls and preconfigures kubernetes+coreos in this cluster. It has version 0.12.2 and looks like it's…
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Change container ports in Kubernetes in production

I have an nginx Dockerimage listening on some port as defined int its nginx.conf. That image is deployed as a workload in Kubernetes (GKE) and an ingress points to it. The image's port is - both as port and targetPort - set in the workload config…
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1 answer

Deploying an AWS Load Balancer Controller for EKS Fargate API service

Context I'm trying to deploy a containerised API service to an EKS Fargate cluster and have it service requests from external internet addresses as an over-engineered POC/learning experience. I'm running into issues when it comes to understanding…
1 answer

Bind mount one container FS tree into another for debug or ephemeral containers?

I'm testing out k8s debugging features including debug pods and ephemeral containers, and I just can't work out how to properly map a "target" pod's file system into the debug container. I want to link two disjoint mount namespaces with a recursive…
Craig Ringer
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