Questions tagged [joomla]

Joomla is a free and open source content management system written in PHP

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Joomla is a free and open source content management system written in . It stores data in a or MS SQL database and includes features such as page caching, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, search and support for language internationalization.




151 questions
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Public IP Shows Up In Search Results Instead of Domain

I have set up a website on my Proliant rack server (Running windows server 2012 R2) using IIS and Joomla as a CMS. Everything works perfectly, except for one thing. Whenever I search up my website on Google, it shows my public IP instead of the…
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How config nginx and joomla? the site only loads the main page

I've installed joomla 3.9.16 in a nginx 1.7 server (fastcgi). When I try to install joomla, installer stop and backed to the main page. Also if i use installed joomla manually every urls looks great but the correspondent page doesn't load. Always,…
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Mod SSL compiled against server

I have an issue with www+https redirection and I saw this error in logs: [ssl:warn] [pid 204:tid 412] AH01916: Init: (localhost:443) You configured HTTP(80) on the standard HTTPS(443) port! So I try to find a way to get more details in…
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Joomla 2.5: JError: Unable to load Database Driver: mysql

I've suddenly started receiving the message "JError: Unable to load Database Driver: mysql" when browsing to any page within a particular Joomla 2.5.x site. Other Joomla sites on the same server, that all utilise the same MySql instance, are…
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Regarding .htaccess

I am using Cent OS hosted on VPS. I want to have the feature of "Use URL rewriting of joomla". On enabling this in joomla, it gives a message "Rename .htaccess.txt to .htaccess". I have renamed the file but on opening the website, browser throws…
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Joomla includes CSS that makes display empty page

Whenever I try to load the login page /index.php?option=com_users&view=login I only see a white page. When I look at the sites source code that gets delivered, there is the CSS statement html { display:none } in the head that makes the whole…
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PCI scanning failing because of backups files available

PCI scanning reports the below issue for my Joomla site: "It is possible to retrieve file backups from the remote web server" I've checked it manually by accessing Basically it does not throw 404 error while…
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How to add wiki functionality to a joomla site.?

Any native wiki extension on joomla? Or shall i go for doku-wiki or media-wiki integration or any other recommendation.
Vivek Sharma
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Dreamhost closed my domain for excessive resources usage

I come directly from stackoverflow, and is my first time posting here! I manage many domains on dreamhost for my NGO (non-governative-organization). some days ago dreamhost disabled (with very short advise) 3 of my subdomains for resources over…
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Is it possible to have automated joomla installation in whm

I have VPS with cpanel WHM . i want to know is there any plugin addon so that on account i can automatically install joomla with simple clicks
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Joomla 1.5 Media Manager sets incorrect file permissions when uploading

Howdy all, I have a Joomla 1.5 installation running on Windows Server 2008, installed via the Web Platform Installer. When uploading images with the media manager (native uploader, not the flash bulk uploader), the files arrive on the server…
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Centos LAMP CMS will only show home page

I'm having trouble getting the sub pages of a CMS working on a Centos virtual machine. In a web browser, if I go to localhost I see “Apache 2 Test Page powered by CentOS”. If I go to localhost/index.php then I see my joomla's website home page. …
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Recommended UNIX user for CMS access to MySQL

This article recommends the UNIX nobody user to access MySQL from Joomla scripts. Is this standard practice? Moreover, is it reasonable to use it, say, both for Joomla and WordPress?
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Install php mail service in windows

I am using WAMP server in windows to publish my joomla web site. But I get the error Could not instantiate mail function. I think mail function or module is not installed on the server. How can I fi it?
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script to detect outdate cms in linux?

Is there any script (free or paid) use to detect outdated version of joomla & wordpress and inform the customers by email (cpanel) to upgrade immediately ?
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