Questions tagged [images]

79 questions
1 answer

nginx displaying images without an ending

In my config file I use location ~* ^.+.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico|xml)$ { access_log off; expires 30d; root /var/www; } However, I have a PHP script that generates a captcha image which does not…
Frank Vilea
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1 answer

Images on SSL enabled site with Internet explorer

I have a problem with my site after implementation of SSL that images do not appear. The scenario is that images come from (hosted on Amazon S3) and my certificate is for This problem only seems to happen in IE and…
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2 answers

Virtual Machine Backups

Say I have a client that is running 2 VMWare virtual servers on the one box. Is there an easy way to backup the entire OS image so that if the hardware was to fail, the virtual OS could be put onto another box running the same VMWare software. Also,…
The Woo
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6 answers

gzip to bmp images on the fly?

I havent decided on a technology yet but i wanted to ask. BMP images are large, i compressed a 3mb image to 50k. Browsers can decode gzip text, so would it be possible to gzip bmp on my server and have the user request and…
1 answer

Is a VirtualBox image just an image of a /* files?

If I make an iso of all the files in / as an iso, will I be able to convert that to a usable VirtualBox image? I've been looking around for documentation, and have been able to find no documentation that explicitly say this. Links to reliable…
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MODx not display correct image path

In the MODx WYSIWYG whenever I click the Image icon to insert an image, followed by browse image it generates the wrong path: /data/12/1/111/99/1111262/user/1169144/htdocs/images/image.jpg instead of assets/images/image.jpg I have checked my…
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6 answers

Is there a limit that a folder can store how many files and folders?

I have this folder, called it 'X'. Currently, it has 40k folders and 70k files. I am abit worried, inside are the images. Is there a limit that the folder 'X' can store? That folder is important, it stores my current users images. Please advise? Or…
1 answer

nginx giving 500 for images and for some api's

We have a site deployed on crafter, when we access it directly with "IP:port" it works fine. But when we are accessing it with Nginx reverse proxy, it gives 500 for images and other api's. Also it is not giving any error in nginx error.log Request…
Satish Lamak
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1 answer

Docker private registry as kubernetes pod - deleted images auto-recreated

I run a docker private registry v2.7.0 as a kubernetes pod with a service and a persistent volume, thanks to the Varun Kumar G tutorial, which has been the only successful method on my setup, for kubernetes to pull from my private docker registry on…
0 answers

NGINX liip_imagine unable to create path for ... "Get operation failed" webp - not creating .webp in media/cache/filter_name symfony

So in my liip_imagine i have something like: webp: generate: True quality: 70 and it works good locally, it serves .png.webp images, but when i put it on my NGINX server i have an issue called unable to create path for ... "Get operation…
1 answer

Comparing file differences between an offline and an online linux image

so I hired a freelancer to do some work on my server that required admin access. Before hiring him I took a backup of my debian installation on that server. I have a basic level of trust with this guy but just to be sure is there a way to check the…
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Automate Docker Base Image Lifecycle

I'd like to provide for our disconnected container infrastructure (OKD, Harbor) several base images, which are automatically weekly renewed (re-created) and images older than XX days are pruned. For that I've adopted a script which creates a centos…
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Laravel mass image serve

We have a Laravel application and imagine the following: We have a slider with a play button that will start showing images on a slideshow. These images arrived from web cameras so obviously there are a lot of images. The load time of the page is…
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Copy files from city web cam to WordPress site

Have a user that would like to copy city webcam images showing day by day construction of their building, then house those copied images on their WordPress site. The URL is always the same Can a cron job do…
1 answer

How do I setup Sendmail and the FQDN for use with server images

I have loadbalancer sitting infront of serveral webservers. The website served up has a contact form that uses sendmail. I have installed sendmail on one of these webservers: web-01 This is the hostname of the machine. I have gone into the…