Questions tagged [images]

79 questions
1 answer

Nginx Rewrite Rules Are Messing Up Images

Wondering if anyone with some nginx experience could help me out with a rewrite rule issue I'm having. I want to remove .html and trailing slashes from my URLs, so I put the following code in the server { } block in the nginx conf.d file:…
L. Thane
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Nginx Cache status Miss even after adding caching

I am new to caching on nginx. I have been trying to set caching on server but X-Cache-Status is giving a MISS even after adding configurations for css/js/and images. This is leading to high load time and slow speed even on low traffic. Any idea what…
prit kalra
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QEMU image format

I have an image with .qemu format. I looked here to see QEMU supported formats but there is no .qemu. Is.qemu equal to raw? Thanks
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Getting PXE-E78 error when trying to network boot

When imaging a laptop or desktop through our network, I keep getting these errors. The fix I've found is starting Windows up before I throw up our company image and doing a renew/refresh in cmd. Any ideas as to What could be the root of the problem?
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Docker container for on-demand deployment of other Docker containers

I have read the "Getting Started" introduction on Docker's website, but I still have one question I could not find an answer to: Is it possible to set up a Docker container which can create other containers (real-time) ? For instance, can I create…
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NGINX redirect attempts download instead of rendering image

I've got a PHP page that renders a dynamic image /scripts/oem-image.php?brand=$1&sku=$2 break; I'm trying to do a background redirect (keep the original url) from a .jpg link. For instance, if you…
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Nginx : Images takes too long to load. (1sec to download a 50KB image)

I just switched from Apache to debian 7.6 nginx php-fpm and after running all kind of optimisations it seems that it takes a lot longer than usual to display images : The application is extremely fast (PHP side), I went from 1sec load time, to…
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Optimize images on CentOS server

I have a huge directory of images on a CentOS server (~65gb). The images are predominantly jpeg's but theres some png's and a couple of gif's. Here's the annoying and weird part - the images are all stored without extensions, with filenames such as…
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Ubuntu 13.10 server has no kernels

Something has gone wrong and now we no longer have a Linux kernel (not even recovery mode) installed. GRUB is still there, but it runs the memory test. How can I fix this? Everything I've looked at applies to 2010 or something silly.
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How to efficiently permanently redirect 150.000 images?

For SEO purposes I need to rename around 150.000 images, then I'd like to permanently redirect the previous url locations requests to the new locations. The current url to every image is something…
2 answers

How to decide on MPM module (worker.c, prefork.c or something else

We have several sites running on one server. (CentOS, Hostgator "Elite") A few of the sites are fairly large and our main site is large enough that Google has indexed > 1,000,000 pages. I complained to HG (I have a managed dedicated server) about…
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Where to store images users upload

I'm using Restlet as backend trying to create a small web app. I am allowing users to upload their profile images, but not sure where to store them. Google tells me to store it in the file system which makes sense. So should I store them in a…
Matthew Yang
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How to set Apache to return 403 on images used as CSS backgrounds

Possible Duplicate: How to prevent hot linking (“image theft” / “bandwidth theft”) of ressources on my site? I'd like to configure my Apache server similar to a working configuration I noticed on the Farming Simulator website. They use CSS…
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Apache/PHP does not show images

I have a strange problem with Apache and/or PHP that is driving me nuts. Before I explain the problem here is everything I know about the environment. The Environment OS: Ubuntu SMP x84_64 Apache Version: 2.x PHP Version: 4.4.9-nmm4 It is a shared…
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How to protect certain files from being downloaded

I am using IIS. I have few image files on my server. I want to display them on my website, but when someone finds the URL and tries to access it from the server from the browser, I want to show them Access Denied and not let them download the file.…
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