Questions tagged [images]

79 questions
2 answers

Block certain images from incoming emails

My company just added 5 of the social networking images to its email signature. Now we have tons of copies of these identical images stored in the software that takes emails and turns them into tickets of some kind (Jira does this, but this isn't…
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5 answers

Serving half a million images with redundancy

I'm looking to split our image serving functionality off from our main server. We have nearly half a million images - any of which could be accessed at any time. I've been investigating using a W2k8 cluster connected to a iSCSI SAN and was wondering…
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1 answer

How can I Identify Cause of Slow Image Loading in IIS?

Please excuse if this question isn't as clear as it should be, but I'm a Dev (not a System Administrator) who is trying to help out with an issue we're seeing. We just migrated the hosting of our sites to a data center (faster servers and more…
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2 answers

Creating a Server 2008 Image

I have noticed lately that I have been repeating the same steps for setting up new dedicated servers for our clients, which involves probably 2-4 hours of configurations, software installs, etc. The commonality is that they are all using Server 2008…
Aidan Knight
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2 answers

Serving resized image files

Is there an Apache module or similar that will allow me to serve images and varying sizes? We have a a lot of images (gif, jpeg and png) that are all around 150x150, some are bigger but all are 1:1 in size. I would like to be able to serve images…
Richard Stelling
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2 answers

LAMP server image permissions

This is probably a simple question, we have an Ubuntu (10.04) LAMP server running a website created with iWeb. Images uploaded by iWeb are viewable, but images uploaded via ftp to the site with universal read/execute permissions do not appear. When…
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3 answers

What are the advantages of using an image server?

An image server for static images and possibly other static files (css, js, etc). Are they only used for large/popular websites? Secondly, are they only really beneficial when the images undergo some sort of processing (e.g. resizing)? I'm not a…
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1 answer

Windows 7 "Not genuine" after imaging Z200 computers

We created images from Windows 7, loaded on a HP Z200 workstation. We have added all our software we need on this image and then, sysprep'ed it. So now, when I push the image thru Zenworks on my 5 other Z200, I get the error message that my copy is…
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2 answers

Storing bundled AMI:s at Amazon EC2

I am totally new on configuring servers and working with EC2, so please bear with me. I managed after a lot of hair pulling to get a server with Ubuntu up and running with memcached and some other goodies that would make a great package for me. I…
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2 answers

Dicom: What are my options?

After a cursory Googling, I can't find a legitimate list of DICOM vendors. I've tried DCM4Chee, Conquest, and PacsOne. Each server seems to have it's own quirks and annoyances, memory leaks, etc... I'd like to see what people use for their DICOM…
Peter Turner
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1 answer

Nginx + PHPBB3 reverse proxy images problem

Hello all I have a problem with my Nginx Frontend + Apache2 backend + PHPBB3 software. It doesn't load the CSS and the images neither. I get constant errors like these: 2010/04/14 16:57:25 [error] 13365#0: *69 open()…
1 answer

Trying to get Apache to serve webp instead of png/jpg (from /img folder of prestashop)

First post here, so I hope I did it well. I converted all png/jpg starting from my prestashop public_html folder to webp, and added rewrite rules to the .htaccess in order to have the webp served instead of png/jpg. I based my rewrites on the…
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1 answer

Magento 2 with Nginx and Varnish - How to serve webp images

I am using the following, trying to serve webp images from Magento using Nginx and Varnish as caching. Added to /etc/nginx/mime.types image/webp webp; Added to main nginx.conf http { map $http_accept $webp_suffix { default ""; …
1 answer

Serving images is too slow in certain ISP

I'm serving Images as part of my website for a long time now, but recently images became too slow on a certain ISP! I'm hosting on DigitalOcean with a load balancer (with http2 rule) in front of multiple app server droplets using Nginx on Ubuntu, &…
Abdel Hady
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1 answer

is access time of images dependant on number of images on server?

I expect to host a website with many images, and I mean many - around 300-400k. I am wondering if the number of items on my server affects access time? In other words, will GET requests be slower because I host so many images? Is saving images in…
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