Questions tagged [wysiwyg]

6 questions
2 answers

WYSIWYG or WYSIWYM for trac?

How do I go about setting up some kind of WYSIWY* input for Trac? I found this page, but that seems to be just a list of ideas/possibilities. I also found this, but that seems to be out of date (it mentions a patch for 0.10 - I'm on 0.11), plus it…
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1 answer

WYSIWYG Trac editor with reStructuredText

We're using trac, and using it's inbuilt reStructured Text throughout our wiki, since we process our trac wiki pages with another programme and convert them to another format. RST is a more widely available format. We'd like to have a WYSIWYG editor…
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8 answers

Making a simple, no-frills website with minimal headache

I'm just finishing the first numbered release of my open source project, and I want to build a simple website for it. I'm looking for a sort of "websites for dummies" service that lets you build a website by a web WYSIWYG interface. Like Google…
Ram Rachum
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2 answers

Missing WYSIWYG controls in Trac

I'm not sure whether this was the case right after the Trac installation or as the result of some misconfiguration. Below is a screecapture of a wikipage in the edit mode, where the standard WYSIWYG controls (expected to be present just above the…
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3 answers

Is there an extremely simple CMS with In-Place Editing?

I'm looking for a very limited, very simple CMS that allows non-techies to maintain a simple website consisting of maybe 4-6 editable pages. It should use a WYSIWYG editor only support static pages have an editable menu bar behave like a wiki -…
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1 answer

MODx not display correct image path

In the MODx WYSIWYG whenever I click the Image icon to insert an image, followed by browse image it generates the wrong path: /data/12/1/111/99/1111262/user/1169144/htdocs/images/image.jpg instead of assets/images/image.jpg I have checked my…
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