Questions tagged [images]

79 questions
1 answer

Does/can serving larger files (images in this case) necessitate increased CPU load on a linux/apache web server?

We are experiencing quite a high CPU load on our web server right now (I'm just doing some research, I am not actually the website's administrator) One of the most significant changes has been a new search results page with larger thumbnail images…
1 answer

How do I prevent all script execution in a web-accessible image uploads directory?

I am using nginx and PHP, and want to allow images to be uploaded by my users, and placed into a public web accessible directory. I currently have this rule defined: location ~ /uploads { location ~ \.(jpg|gif|png)$ {} deny all; } If it's…
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2 answers

What is best directory for storing uploaded images from my website in linux

i am building a webpage where a the user can upload images. i am going to use the file-system to store my images. i was wondering what is the best directory to hold such data? is it "var" directory? "srv" directory? or other?
Ori Price
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1 answer

error code 401 when call ping search image api {"error":{"code":"401","message":"Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid…
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