Questions tagged [http-status-code-404]

404 is the HTTP status code for "Not Found"

A web server will return a status code of 404 when the resource that is being requested does not exist or cannot be found.

385 questions
1 answer

Mitigating 404 bomb with Nginx

I am hit with 404 queries and this is bringing down my machine. Close to all of my pages are http cached and I have some basic Dos protection with limit_conn_zone $http_x_forwarded_for zone=addr:10m; limit_conn addr 8; limit_req_zone…
Quintin Par
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Apache Reverse Proxy get 404 error

I set up an apache reverse Proxy Server. In general it works and does what it should. But now i want it to Proxy a request to an external URL. While a wget on the URL works the Proxy keeps giving me a 404. The ssl.conf snip:
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How to make Nginx redirect to 404 if subdomain doesn’t exist in localhost domain

This is my localhost server configuration for Nginx. This is at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/development/localhost server { listen 80 default_server; server_name localhost; root /var/www/html; index index.nginx-debian.html; location…
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Why Nginx calls for invalid certificate in non-existent subdomains just to redirect to 404?

Have two server blocks. default_server block inside http block of nginx.conf: server { server_name _; listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; listen 443 default_server; return 404; } include…
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404 pages displaying name of page

My website works great; Google Cloud Platform VM running Ubuntu and Apache2. Well, except for one thing; I can't get 404 pages to work. I followed several guides and managed to do something really dumb. This is the result of a 404: This is the…
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Send Apache request to some form of dev/null, nothing or nowhere

This question I have not been able to get an authoritative answer on, but it's interested me for years: Taking Apache with matching rewrite rules, say: 1 set of matches triggers the 403 Forbidden case. The 403 page is hosted on the site, so…
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Windows Server VM in Azure HTTP not working but HTTPS OK

Another admin in our company recently setup a windows azure VM. Not sure what version of Windows, as I can't find that anywhere in the portal. I setup IIS through the server manager dashboard, and it seemed to configure OK. The site comes up…
Chris J
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3 answers

404's in Wordpress when trying to access scripts

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but I think this is a server / scrpting issue not specifically a Wordpress problem. If you go to my site and open firebug and Open the Net window you can see the 404 errors I…
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IIS 10 Custom 404 Error pages not working

Windows 10, IIS 10, Classic ASP, .NET v2.0 Classic Custom 404 Error pages that have been working on my test machine for years, with Windows 7, no longer work within Windows 10's IIS. I set everything up in IIS Error Pages. This is my code from the…
Wayne Barron
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2 answers

How to trouble shoot 404 error

Few days ago I faced an interview and one of the questions was what would I do if I get a 404 error from a webserver. My answer was check the logs. The interviewer said that first I have to ping and check whether I have connectivity to the server .I…
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Directory listing isn't working on nginx showing 404 error

So I was trying to setup directory listing on my server with nginx, I followed the instructions step-by-step but nothing worked out -- always showing either 403 or 404 errors while permissions are all set to 755... When I enable autoindex on the…
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Nginx Reverse Proxy - Bypass Server with Code 404

I was wondering if there is a way to setup the NGINX Reverse Proxy to "bypass" a server in a list that responds with 404 (or other error codes). I have a clustered image board that I am doing bulk importing via 6 dedicated servers that are not part…
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Redirect non existent pages works with but not with - Confluence

I have migrated my site from Wordpress to Confluence, and modified the 404 Error page to redirect to the main domain home page. This works if i type But if you go to an old page, say…
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Nginx subdomain returns 404

Please, help me resolve a problem, when Nginx always returns 404 for main directory. So here sites-available/ config% server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass…
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nginx doesn't pass outer request to localhost

Jetty server runs on localhost:8080 and successfully responses when I make requests via curl (putty): curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"message":"Hi"}' http://localhost:8080 I have following nginx.conf configuration: server{ …