Questions tagged [home-directory]

A home directory (or "home folder" on Windows and Mac OSes) is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system.

147 questions
4 answers

How to Automatically Create Home Directory for Active Directory User on Solaris (using PowerBroker)

I have a number of existing users in Active Directory that need a home directory created. They don't log directly in to Solaris but into a service running on that box. If I login as them their home directory gets created and then they can…
2 answers

Set owner of new users home folder to user instead of BUILTIN\Administrators when using ADUC (on Windows Server 2008 R2)

In our AD, we create new users by copying a default user in ADUC. For the default user we specified a home folder using the %USERNAME% variable (mapped to H:): \fileserver\homes\%USERNAME% For new users, the home folder on the server is…
0 answers

Using OSX home directories from linux

I'm running an OSX (Snow Leopard) Server with OpenDirectory, which is nothing else than a modified OpenLDAP with some Apple-specific schemas. However, I want to reuse this directory on some of my Linux (Debian Squeeze) boxes. It's no problem to…
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Default Home Folder Permissions on CentOS 5

Whenever I create a new user in CentOS 5, their home folder is automatically given the UGO setting of "755", how can I change the default to "700"? Also, the server is technically ClearOS, but it's based on CentOS.
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VsFTPd - pam_mkhomedir

I am trying to set up a FTP server that authenticates against an LDAP server. This part is done and works. My server is VsFTPd on Ubuntu Server 11.04. But I have to create the home directories for my LDAP users. I am trying to user the pam_mkhomedir…
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1 answer

Windows Map to user home directory fails with %username% variable

I have a user johndoe with the following drive mapping in his login script (.bat file). net use y: \\myserver\users$\johndoe However, when I try to use a more generic mapping using the username variable the Y drive maps to \filesvr\users i.e. it…
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Should I encrypt my home directory (Ubuntu Server)? Case scenarios: Dev Server, Production Server, Desktop, etc

I did some searching and found that the biggest downfall is performance. How big is the difference between encrypted vs non-encrypted? What types of setups would you use it for and which wouldn't? Dev/Build Server? Demo Server? Production…
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FreeBSD - 'cd ~' takes me to /root instead of home directory

I just created a new user (I was logged in as root to do so) with the adduser utility. I gave the new user his own home directory. If I check the /etc/passwd file, it shows the users home folder is correct and even when I ssh into the server as that…
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Troubleshooting Networked Home Folder

In a Mac OS X Server (10.5.7) environment - I've got a user with a Network Home on the server that cannot log in from any of our client Macs. They cannot even log in locally to the server where their home folder is located. Other users in the…
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Common /home for a couple of Linux distributions

I want to learn one more Linux distribution. I'm serious and "one more" means the second one. I've been using a Linux distribution for almost a decade, I like it very much, but I want to learn something new additionally. I plan to go with a common…
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Cygwin User/home folder non existant

I'm a novice at cygwin/linux administration so please be patient with my ignorance: I'm trying to change my .bashrc profile and setup (.gitconfig ) I can't seem to find my home folder. My hypothesis is that i don't have my home folder because i've…
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Ubuntu: How to decrypt home directory, swap (basically everything) without reinstalling?

I just faced a problem with encrypted home directory in Ubuntu Server 10.04. While I know a workaround, I want to just to completely remove encryption from everything. Any hints how to do that without complete backup & reinstall?
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How do I install PyYAML into local install of Python?

I've installed Python 2.6.4 into (a subdirectory in) my home directory on a Linux machine with Python 2.3.4 pre-installed, because I need to run some code that I've decided would require too much work to make it run on 2.3.4. (I'm not on the…
Daryl Spitzer
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User directory does not exist when logging in via ssh to a Synology NAS

On a Synology NAS with DSM 7.0 I have created through the Graphical UI a dedicated admin user (as recommended in Synology's setup procedure), then I have enabled ssh login and now I can ssh into the Synology. So far so good. However when logging in…
1 answer

Docker - User and SSH issue

I am creating a docker container that will host a web app. The container is an ubuntu18.04 vm with a flask app + gunicorn running. I am trying to configure ssh but something wonky is going on. In my docker file I do something along the lines of: RUN…
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