Questions tagged [owner]

33 questions
6 answers

Preserve ownership with rsync, without root

I would like to perform incremental backups (for the entire filesystem) from a machine. rsync does this quite will, however I would like to also preserve file ownership - meaning, make it possible to restore it. Is this possible to do without…
Vladimir Panteleev
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3 answers

How do you determine the OWNER of an Oracle Database

When you install an Oracle database in a Unix server, the Unix user id you use for the installation becomes the OWNER of the database. What is the most reliable and general way of determining in a shell script which Unix user is the owner of an…
2 answers

correct file system permissions for joomla installation on linux

My question is pretty general. Lets assume I have a linux distribution web server, with the /var/www/ is the web directory. I used my superuser account to upload and unzip the Joomla installation .zip folder. The linux system user for web users is…
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1 answer

Correct web user for PHP-FPM under Nginx

I've always been accustomed to running PHP under Nginx as the www-data user, for everything: php service, cron, CLI, etc. Recently though, after reading up on firstly this article and then this article, I'd like to know how necessary it is to run…
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MySQL (local) owner and permissions

I recently successfully installed the 64 bit version of mysql-5.5.8 on a MacBook Pro in the /usr/local directory. To address a completely unrelated software (RVM actually) , I chown-ed my /usr/local directory to $USER, Which made MySQL very unhappy.…
Steve Nelson
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Use Windows PowerShell to find and delete files from specific owner

Because of a ransomware attack (no big deal, all recovered from backup) I want to clean up the directories and sub directories on the network share where the attack happened to create a lot of scrambeled files. They are all owned by the user who…
Anna Nuema
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windows 2008 r2 Change owner on multiple folders

I've a quest to change the owner on about 800 folders. The owner should be equal to the folder name. I've tried something like this: set /p userDir=username ICACLS "D:\test\%userDir%" /setowner "domain\%userDir%" /T But I get the error message…
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Home directory owner is root instead of user

I am adding users using the command useradd in opensuse 12.1 and creating a home directory on NFS. The problem here is the home directory's owner is root instead of user. msvlsi67:~ # useradd -g users -d /export/home/raj67 -m raj67 useradd:…
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Automounted AFP home directories are owned by root (OS X Yosemite client, Linux Servers)

What I am trying to do but can't get to work I am trying to set up network users in Yosemite clients with their home directories on kerberised AFP. I am using automountd to have the home directories mounted under /home/username as soon as they are…
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1 answer

Owner/Group issue on Mirror server

I am running Gluster-FS with a High-Availability Storage setup. Both client and server nodes have NginX running to serve same files. ..etc.. The problem is that the mirror nodes can't serve files because the owner…
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2 answers

Set owner of new users home folder to user instead of BUILTIN\Administrators when using ADUC (on Windows Server 2008 R2)

In our AD, we create new users by copying a default user in ADUC. For the default user we specified a home folder using the %USERNAME% variable (mapped to H:): \fileserver\homes\%USERNAME% For new users, the home folder on the server is…
5 answers

reverting file owner on CentOS

By mistake I ran a stupid command with a typo in it. I created a user "teamspeak" and I wanted to change file owner of current directory and it's sub directories, but by mistake I ran it in the "/". I was user "teamspeak" while I ran the command,…
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1 answer

httpd start timestamp

can you tell me, why are last three httpd processes started at different time then others? also, why is process owner different? [root@myserver httpd]# ps aux | grep httpd root 5455 0.0 0.6 31980 13028 ? S 11:19 0:00…
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3 answers

how to I change the owner of a folder on my server?

OK I'll be more specific - I have uploaded a bunch of folders via ftp. These now all have the the owner name of the account which I logged into FTP using. How do I change the owner to be the server name? and How do I find out what name the server…
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1 answer

Account permissions needed to change file ownership

I have an application that needs to be able to change the owner of certain files. The application runs under a domain service account (with local admin rights to the application server, but not the rest of the domain). I have the ability to call vbs…
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