Questions tagged [synology]

Synology is a company best known for its Network Attached Storage (NAS) product line.

Synology is a Taiwanese company which mainly produces NAS for consumer, prosumer and business.

The Synology's NAS are basically small form factor computers (ARM or Atom based) with a small Linux OS embedded.

More information on Wikipedia: Synology article

Synology web site:

299 questions
7 answers

Can't log in via SSH to any accounts using /bin/bash shell on Synology NAS

I'm trying to install bash as the default shell on a ARM Linux running on an embedded device (Synology DS212+ NAS). But there's something really wrong, and I can't figure out what it is. Symptoms: 1) Root has /bin/bash as default shell, and can log…
Gui Ambros
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Rsync over ssh: "ERROR: module is read only" suddenly appeared

I've used from some time rsync/ssh to backup my shared host contents to my personal Synology NAS (212j for that matter), and it worked quite well. For information, I use a password-less ssh connection. 3 days ago, I updated my NAS software and…
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How to do the equivalent of Synology Hybrid Raid on Linux myself? Synology is just Linux and uses LVM. How do their tools automate LVM to achieve what they call their Hybrid Raid?
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5 answers

Disk Usage Analyzer on Synology

How can I get an overview of the disk usage on a Synology hard drives like this:
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3 answers

iSCSI drive doesn't mount after reboot of windows 2008 r2

I have a server with Win2008R2 and a synology NAS. On the Nas there are 6 iSCSI partitions which are mounted on the windows server. The windows server is virtualized under Hyper-V. After rebooting the client machine, two of the 6 partitions do not…
Ian Murphy
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2 answers

What does enable DoS protection in Synology DSM 5 do?

If I open Control Panel > Security > Protection, check Enable DoS Protection and click Apply, what kind of traffic gets blocked? The text reads "Denial-of-Service (DoS) protection helps to prevent malicious attacks over the internet." I cannot find…
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How to set the default shell when chsh is not present

I've a Synology DS412+ NAS box running Busybox, which has a default shell of ash. Previously, ipkg install optware-devel was run and it installed bash and set it as the default shell. Running ipkg install zsh has installed zsh but not set it as the…
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2 answers

Can I run iostat on a Synology?

I have a Synology RS812RP+ which I'm using for a little bit of departmental testing. I've stuffed a bunch of SSD disks in it, and I'm curious about monitoring the disk IO. iostat doesn't come pre-installed on the synology and it doesn't have the…
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1 answer

Stop SoftEther from routing all traffic through the VPN

I have successfully set-up SoftEther on my AWS free tier machine, and put a small apache2 instance on there. I can access the webpage via VPN from windows, Mac & Linux. BUT - when the VPN client is activated, ALL the traffic goes through the VPN.…
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3 answers

iSCSI target stuck reconnecting after server reboots

I've been having some ongoing issues with my iSCSI connection not reconnecting itself after the server reboots, as shown below: OS is Windows Server 2008 R2. The iSCSI device is for my SQL Server 2008 R2 instance that is in a failover cluster with…
Nathan C
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3 answers

Synology HA active-passive performance and failover

I have two Synology boxes (DiskStation DS1817+) that are running in Synology HA mode filled with WD Black 4TB drives in RAID10. They are connected to my cluster over iSCSI providing mainly backup storage, file share (in a separate File Server VM)…
Mind Parallax
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1 answer

Configuring Synology NAS as freeIPA client

I'm attempting to deploy freeIPA in my company. The network is quite simple: < 10 FC20 (and FC21 beta) desktops < 5 FC20 servers (including the one with freeIPA) 1 Synology NAS DS1813+ (DSM 5.0) I am first simulating everything on VMs (including…
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1 answer

Synology and Active Directory - "no logon servers available"

I have a Synology Diskstation DS412+ here configured for Active Directory authentication on the shared folders. I have a shared folder that our backup software writes backups to (so, CIFS). This all works fine on a normal day-to-day basis. The…
Nathan C
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1 answer

Can't get rsync over sftp to work

I'm trying to set up a backup system from an Ubuntu server to a Synology NAS (DS413j) using rsync and sftp. I have created a user for this that we can call ubuntu-backup. I have a directory in ubuntu-backup home directory called www where the backup…
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4 answers

Synology cron job not working

I am not sure where to ask this question but I'll ask here first. I've got a Synology DS211 server and I am trying to run cron jobs but it is not working. This is the code I got in the crontab file 10 19 4 * * root /opt/bin/openssh-scp…
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