Questions tagged [home-directory]

A home directory (or "home folder" on Windows and Mac OSes) is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system.

147 questions
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Automounted AFP home directories are owned by root (OS X Yosemite client, Linux Servers)

What I am trying to do but can't get to work I am trying to set up network users in Yosemite clients with their home directories on kerberised AFP. I am using automountd to have the home directories mounted under /home/username as soon as they are…
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How can I change the directory in wich pam_mkhomedir creates the user's home directories?

I am using pam_mkhomedir to automatically create user's home directories when they first log in. However, the home directories are created inside the /home directory, while i need them to be created inside another one (/users/home). How can this be…
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What is a good configuration for a zpool built from 8-10 SSD for a home file server exported via NFS?

So we have a bunch of SSD disks and would like to put them in a zpool on a Solaris 10 system. The file system will be exported via NFS to about 50 Ubuntu clients which will mount it as their $HOME. I expect that the bandwidth will not exceed 1…
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Puppet: How to enforce file creation in root's home folder?

I'm trying to set a custom .vimrc profile on all servers in the production environment by using Puppet. I wrote the following manifest: class vim { file { "/etc/skel/.vimrc": path => '/etc/skel/.vimrc', ensure => present, mode …
Itai Ganot
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What's the difference between Home folders and Folder Redirection?

I found this (Difference between Roaming profiles, User Profile, Home Folder, and Redirected Folders?) but it doesn't really answer my question. If I assign users a Home folder, is that essentially the same as redirecting the folders GPO gives me…
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Inheritable NTFS permissions and preventing user folder access Windows Server 2003/2008

A little bit of background: We currently use Windows Server 2003 and AD to control users and their data(we are looking at updating to Server 2008 R2 at some point in the medium future, but not immediately due to politics. Hopefully the solution will…
2 answers

Rebuild home directory after deletion

This is what happened: root@rasp:~# ls -al total 72 drwx------ 8 root root 4096 Jan 22 21:01 . drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4096 Sep 11 14:27 .. -rw------- 1 root root 8079 Jan 22 19:55 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 570 Jan 31 2010…
Daniel W.
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Users can't access their samba shared homes from Windows

I installed and configure a Samba 4 as AD and I shared Homes. I can log in the Samba server and a Windows 2008 server with my users. However, on Windows, when I type "\IPSambaServer\user1" when logged with user1, I get access denied with error code…
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Puppet notice: current_value absent, should be present

I'm trying to add a user via puppet (v 3.2.4), and get this notice on --noop: Notice: /Stage[main]/Usergroup/Group[user_one]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop) Here's my manifest: # usersgroups class usergroup { group {…
a coder
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Windows Folder Permissions Script

One client has a Windows Domain with Home Folders, directed to a share using a GPO (\server\share\%username%). The share has all users full control and the sub folders need permissions only for the relevant user to have full control recursively in…
1 answer

Consequences of moving linux users home to non default directory

I'am wondering what the consequences in linux can be when we assign non default home directory to the users. So, use e.g. /encrypted-home/user instead of /home (that is, btw, also the reason why i am asking) I've already noticed that X-server…
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OS X Server: Trouble logging into (network home) account on server (guest: off)

Edit (tl;dr): I think I may have found the "error" - Guest access was turned off on the /Homes directory. I turned it on and now I can login as a network user. Can someone explain why this is necessary, if indeed it is, and how it's not a security…
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4 answers

Get Folder Size on Linux

I have a lot of home folders under /home/ and I would like to get the total size of each users folder in an easy to read list. ie /home/user1 100MB /home/user2 24MB /home/user3 54MB etc. Currently using something similar to du -hc | grep…
1 answer

Linux FTP can't CD to anything before home directory

I've connected to my ftp server from my local linux terminal. As far as I understand I've been using the ! to navigate through local files (i.e !ls vs ls) I can't seem to cd .. to my home folder, I'm trying to access /home/web but the farthest i can…
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Apache virtual host configured with a sym-link to a folder in my user directory fails with 403 Forbidden

I'm sure someone has asked/answered this before but my search hasn't helped me much so... I have Eclipse IDE installed on my Linux box (LM13) with the 'workspace' folder located @ /home/user/projects/workspace I have Apache installed and set-up,…