Questions tagged [home-directory]

A home directory (or "home folder" on Windows and Mac OSes) is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system.

147 questions
3 answers

What should the home directory of a non-interactive user account be set to?

[root@Acheron ~]# systemctl status shadow ● shadow.service - Verify integrity of password and group files Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/shadow.service; static; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue…
John M.
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1 answer

Can't ssh through user with mounted via sshfs home dir

There are 2 users on machine#0: user#0 and user#1. I can mount the desired dir from user#0 on machine#0 executing: sshfs user@hostname:/home/folder /home/folder The thing is that /home/folder has some-path/user#1 inside, which is home directory for…
1 answer

How exactly does mapping a home folder via AD work?

In a 2012 R2 environment, how does mapping a home folder via Active Directory using the "Connect:" box on the profile tab work? I'm not referencing or concerned about GPO, this is only for AD mapping. Specifically, how does the drive map on the…
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Set up nginx + php to serve php files from home directories

Here is the relevant part of my nginx.conf, which does not work for php files that are located in the home directories of the users: location ~ ^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$ { alias /usr/home/$1/www$2; autoindex on; } # Serve user directories…
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0 answers

Allow a user to read some other users' home directories - Windows

I have an user - reception with a home directory ("\nas\home") which I want to share it with another user only i.e.: john I'm looking for a way around of it as we the way SMB home shares are treated with the NAS this doesn't work giving permission…
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WindowsNT.3.5 domain: location of homes

Context: I am working with a Samba PDC (not AD mode) which emulate a MS NT Server 3.5. My problem is with the following line on smb.conf: logon home = \\%L\%U This line makes users mount a home share named after their username called with the…
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0 answers

Home Folder Files Intermittently missing for user

We are having a weird issue that has been ongoing for months where one of our users will have files missing from her Home Folder mapped as H from active directory not show up. The files that don't show up typically change usually when she reboots…
4 answers

Cannot login to RHEL6 server as any user except root - Says home directory cannot be found and shell permission is denied

As the question above states, I have a RHEL 6 server that is designed for SSH access, with root unable to login through SSH by design. When I am at the server locally I can login as root, but only as root. If I try to log in as a user the screen…
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1 answer

Webserver HTML folder Permissions

I am running lighttpd and I have the root directory of my website in my user home folder. I would like to serve the website, but not allow other users on the machines to view my home folder or the files within it. The current permissions of 755…
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1 answer

OS X server Open Directory fail over successfully but not the user home directories

We setup the OS X server Open Directory(OD) master and replica. Users are created on master and their home directories are on the master server. When the master OD server is down, the OD client (MAC) will automatically use the OD replica for…
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1 answer

How can I manually initiate the creation of a home folder for an AD user in Windows?

I have an AD environment with Windows 2008R2 Server where a few Windows 7 machines use FolderRedirection . Sometimes I need to re-initiate the homefolder creation process, but the only way I've found to get the folder to be recreated on login is to…
1 answer

Shrinking or removing home partition in CentOS 7 installation

I made the mistake of creating a home partition that fills up all my disk space, and it's formatted in XFS, which to my knowledge isn't shrinkable. Since I have no use for the home partition anyway (I'm always root), can I just lvremove…
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1 answer

Upgrading NFS/NIS Shared `/home` Setup

I am currently managing a network of workstations running different flavours of Ubuntu. The server (also Ubuntu) runs a NIS server and exports a shared /home directory over NFS (in v3 compatibility mode). Workstations are configured to mount…
Mani M
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1 answer

FTP: Access to homedir and /var/www

I want a FTP user to have access to homedir and also /var/www directory I have installed vsftpd via yum command and give them access to homedir. To have access to a homedir only, I've set chroot_local_user to YES in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf I have…
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2 answers

Does changing the home directory of www-data break anything (esp. apache)?

We're running on Ubuntu and have an Apache2 webserver with some apps that require cron-jobs installed. The cron jobs occasionally send mails which of course goes to the www-data user. The home dir of that user is /var/www but for security reasons…
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