Questions tagged [home-directory]

A home directory (or "home folder" on Windows and Mac OSes) is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system.

147 questions
2 answers

Installing Nose into my home directory (without sudo)?

Is it possible to install Nose ( into a subdirectory of my home directory on a Linux machine? (I'm not on the sudoers list for that machine.) If so, how do I do that?
Daryl Spitzer
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2 answers

Deleted my Home folder now I cant remotely connect via SSH

I accidentally deleted the Home directory with sudo rm -r ~, when I try reconnecting the ssh returns ssh -v key.pem ec2-user@PublicIP-address ec2-user@PublicIP-address: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). I doubled checked…
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1 answer

Prevent user from seeing list of other user's home dir

I want to prevent a user from seeing a list of home directory(of other users). By default, a user can not access other user's home dir but can find another user's home dir like below: [opc@instance-20210712-0826 home]$ cd…
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CentOS 7 PAM / LDAP SSH/LOGIN user does not start in his home directory

On a CentOS 7 machine, users can use their LDAP credentials to connect to my servers. The first time they do this, the pam_mkhomedir is doing its job well. The user's folder /home/jdoe is well created with the right permission. The issue is that…
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1 answer

Create User active directory Bulk and home folder for user but folder Not Created

all I am trying to create a user with Active Directory and home folder automatically using bulk files and csv but when the user is done I check the user profile it redirects every user's home folder but I check the directory folder is not created…
1 answer

Openldap and nfserver, both work although /home/user cannot be created unless I log into the nfserver first with new ldapusers

I have an openldap server I set up on cent os 7. I blended it to work with all my other VMs that mount a nfs mount from a nfs server for their /home. I just figured out that if I create a new ldap user, and try to log into some VM it lets me login…
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Add user home directory depending hostname

Is it possible to add a list of users and change the home directory of each user depending on the host name of the server? Thanks in advance
1 answer

I can't access my account after unmounting my home directory and doing lvremove (centos7)

I do not have an IT background. I am working things out on my own, so I would really appreciate your help on this as I am in a panic at the moment. I wanted to increase the size of my /home directory (as a normal user). I followed the steps provided…
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1 answer

AWS EC2 Linux restrict SFTP user to their home directory when users connect from WinSCP

I'm working on a solution to restrict the user to the home directory or a specific directory. I need to restrict a user for below scenario, we have multiple Wordpress installation in webroot /var/www/html/wordpress1 and /var/www/html/wordpress2, I…
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4 answers

Linux /home privacy

Warrning: this is probably against Unix philosophy and desgin, but I will ask it anyway. Is there a way to achive privacy for three seperate /home/user folders? Problem which is rasing that question is that me and to other two guys have a VPS and…
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1 answer

Migrate local user to LDAP server and keep the old user directory

I have an existing Debian server with a lot of local user (these user account are used for application authentication and keeps files in each home directory), and I want to migrate all the local user to LDAP. I want all the user to still be able to…
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1 answer

How do I get apache 2 to serve up home directory?

I have a domain name I have registered and it is currently showing the Apache 2 Test Page from the /var/www/html/ directory, I was wondering how I can get it to point to a home directory instead ie: home/user/public_html/? Do I have to use the…
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