Questions tagged [home-directory]

A home directory (or "home folder" on Windows and Mac OSes) is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system.

147 questions
2 answers

Linux tmp-like dir in home folder?

I'd like to make a folder in my GNU/Linux home directory that behaves somewhat like TMPDIR (usually /tmp or /var/tmp); that is, a folder that deletes its contents on reboot or after they've started gathering cobwebs. What's the best way to go about…
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Jail user to only read/write into their user directory

I'm running a Ubuntu server and wanted to know if there was a way to only allow a user (connecting via FTP and SSH) read and write access to their own /home/user/ directory and not let them read or write to anything else? Thanks for your help! :)
2 answers

NFS server with out of memory

I have multiple machines sharing home directory via NFS share used by 6-10 users. All machines are used to run computational experiments including the one with NFS server. Although it is very rare but possible that some experiment may cause out of…
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Modify new user home directory permissions with powershell

I am needing assistance with a script. What I am trying to accomplish is when new users are created in ADUC and their profile path(home folder) is created, it gives the users "Full Control". I am wanting to change that to Modify permissions. My…
2 answers

Could not chdir to home directory /home/Me: No such file or directory

On a daily basis, I interact with 10s of productions servers which do not, and should not have a home directory for my personal user. Every SSH session is met with the same error message: Could not chdir to home directory /home/Me: No such file or…
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Linux Cluster with LDAP, automatically and simultaneously creating homedir on multiple machines

I'm setting up a computer cluster of (20+) machines, I have a working central ldap server for authenticating users and keeping GID and UID synced across the cluster. One machine acts as a head node, which is exposed to the wider network, users ssh…
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Space used by /home does not match df -h

I am seeing a big constant increase in the space amount taken in the /home directory df -h says: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md2 127G 52G 70G 43% /home However, once I am in the /home directory, du -hs * | sort…
1 answer

How to autocreate home directories in automounted NFS directory?

I have a NFS server at I have a normal server at When I do su - user, I want it not only to automount /users/user, but I also want to create /users/user if it is not created already. If I allows autofs to…
Aaron Walker
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Windows Create Domain User's Home Directory Before Login

I am trying to prepopulate a user's home directory before they log in for the first time. I would like to do this programmically. Right now, I can create a the folder, but when a user logs in, it creates a different one with the domain added to the…
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Windows GPO "set user home folder" adds domain name to home folder

I set a GPO to 'Set user home folder', use H: and as path '\fileserver\root\Home'. This works as expected, but the home folder that created is like this; \fileserver\root\Home\johndoe.domainname\ And I wonder why the '.domainname' is added to the…
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CentOS - Pubkey Auth doesn't work for user in /var

I've been working through a problem for the past week or so and I am running out of ideas. I added a new user on my Centos 7 VPS for a git server, and (under the advice of several articles) placed the user's home directory inside /var instead of…
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How to change home directory for existing virtual ProFTPD user?

I have my AuthUserFile located at /etc/proftpd/proftpd.passwd. DefaultRoot is ~. This file currently lists a single user (username, password hash, home directory). How do I change a home directory for this virtual user?
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1 answer

Change default home dir of user

I want to change the default home directory of a user from this: User: john Default home: /home/john To this: User: john Home: /var/www/project/new-home How could i do that? What i've tried so far is use usermod: usermod -m -d…
Jonathan Solorzano
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2 answers

OpenSSH: allow users with writeable HOME to use public key authentication

On a local workstation I need to have a handful of users to be able to freely write in each other $HOME. I KNOW this is a security breach and, in the specific situation, I do not care at all. I have another server (not local to LAN) used mainly as…
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Remote home-folders with optional but preferred locally-encrypted folder

I have the use case that on default all users are working within remote mounted home directories. However, sometimes they prefer a local home on one or more machines, e.g. because the network is too slow, data is too big, etc. Thus, I like to set up…
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