Questions tagged [heroku]

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications that features a Git-based deployment strategy, a large number of services offered as add-ons, and a full API.

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications. It features, among other things:

Git-based deployment strategy

Applications on Heroku are managed with Git. Simply pushing your codebase to Heroku is all it takes to deploy your application.


Heroku offers a growing number of add-ons via its add-on provider program. Additional services, such as error tracking and reporting, incoming and outgoing email services, hosted no-SQL databases and more is available via a few clicks or commands on the prompt.

Fully Managed, Multi-Tenant Architecture

Heroku's architecture is designed to keep your app running smoothly with minimal interaction on your part. The Heroku site has a detailed explanation of its architecture.

Full API

All of Heroku's functionality can be accessed from the command line (via the Heroku gem), including managing SSH keys, increasing or decreasing the number of dynos, managing SSL certificates, adding or removing add-ons, and more.

210 questions
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DNS/MX issues arising when migrating Heroku app to Dream Host hosted domain

I have a domain - - hosted by Dream Host. Up until recently I had some php as a signup form at that domain. I also had a one-click install of Word Press at, and could log into GMail through Google Apps from Dream Host at…
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3 answers

Heroku command return "App not found"

I am new to Heroku. I tried to use the command heroku to get some inforamtion of my apps. I can use heroku list to get the list. But when I use heroku info, it returns App not found What's the problem? How can I fix this error? Thank you in…
Victor Lam
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2 answers

How to secure app on Heroku against another big outage?

After the 16 hours downtime of Heroku and AWS we're thinking of how to make our website stay up even when heroku or AWS are down. Is there something better than just backup the app every 5 minutes, hold a dedicated server on the same state than…
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What steps can I take to ensure that my rails app on heroku isn't effected by another ec2 outage?

My app is a victim of the recent EC2 outage and is still offline. The outage has negatively effected my business and the relationship we have with our clients. I'm hosting the app on heroku with their shared database plan. If a similar outage were…
7 answers

Is there anything like Heroku for PHP and/or .NET?

In my area PHP is very widespread, so is .NET. Ruby not so much; most places have never heard of it. For some personal things I am "forced" to choose Rails because I want to take advantage of Heroku - the ability to deploy and scale on the cloud…
Wayne Molina
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Web server to run an executable binary using Heroku

I'd like to create a web server which serves REST APIs. Most of the functionality on the server side already exists in an executable binary or some shell script. So instead of rewriting this functionality in the API, the REST API is just a thin…
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How to properly add a domain to Heroku

I'm a software developer and I'm looking to buy a domain so I can host my current and future projects on. I've done research, but as I'm still not sure if I understand this correctly, I am asking here for help. Let's say I have bought an…
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0 answers

Switching database URL on Heroku between two AWS RDS instances has no effect

I am running a django app which connects to heroku. My database is configured to use AWS RDS. Now I needed to change db instances. So I created a new instance on AWS and changed the config vars in Heroku. The weird thing is that it has no effect…
1 answer

Heroku Godaddy site only loading using mobile data

I have added the Heroku address using my Godaddy DNS account as a CNAME pointing to Heroku (DNS management>Records>Add). I have configured it with the name www and it uses the hostname that Heroku provided the target. When I load my website it says…
2 answers

Https version of web application is not working but http is?

I am using Heroku to host which provides me a nice https: address: I use Namecheap to setup my DNS and I do this using: CNAME Record | www | I found this information using…
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3 answers

Azure blobs vs Heroku type storage

I am making an app that will receive images and then needs to store them in a SQL DB using Nodejs. I need to store a lot of images and query them a lot as well (I need to query the db to see if that image is in there) From what I have read its…
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Heroku + AWS Lambda Hybrid

I currently have a web app running fully on Heroku. This web app needs a lot of computing power and access to several external APIs during short time periods, and nothing at all if there is no activity from users. Until now, I have several workers…
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Second level domain names on Heroku with Cloudflare and TLS support

I want to setup second level domain name e.g. on Heroku & Cloudflare. (without TLS) works but does not. I already setup DNS entries, I created origin…
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Is it a bad idea to use google cloud storage on heroku deployed projects?

So my app is deployed on Heroku and I'm using a google cloud storage bucket to handle uploads. Wouldn't communication from my app to google cloud platform be slow compared to using S3 given the fact that Heroku is on top of AWS infrastructure?
0 answers

How to do a path based reverse proxy with Heroku?

We have a Rails application running on Heroku on Now for some paths we want to route the traffic to a completely separate Wordpress instance (e.g. for and We do not want to use…