Questions tagged [heroku]

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications that features a Git-based deployment strategy, a large number of services offered as add-ons, and a full API.

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications. It features, among other things:

Git-based deployment strategy

Applications on Heroku are managed with Git. Simply pushing your codebase to Heroku is all it takes to deploy your application.


Heroku offers a growing number of add-ons via its add-on provider program. Additional services, such as error tracking and reporting, incoming and outgoing email services, hosted no-SQL databases and more is available via a few clicks or commands on the prompt.

Fully Managed, Multi-Tenant Architecture

Heroku's architecture is designed to keep your app running smoothly with minimal interaction on your part. The Heroku site has a detailed explanation of its architecture.

Full API

All of Heroku's functionality can be accessed from the command line (via the Heroku gem), including managing SSH keys, increasing or decreasing the number of dynos, managing SSL certificates, adding or removing add-ons, and more.

210 questions
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How much traffic can a heroku page handle?

I have recently deployed my rails website with Heroku. I am currently on the paid Hobby Dyno. My web page consits of a log in function, 13 five minute long sound files, a few images and a bunch of zoom links. I am expecting around 200 users at any…
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Heroku.yml is not getting bash script

I was trying to deploy my backend in heroku with docker. Here is my heroku.yml file setup: addons: - plan: heroku-postgresql as: DATABASE build: docker: web: mymeds/Dockerfile release: image: web command: -…
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Wiring up Heroku custom domain config to AWS Route 53 for a GoDaddy registered domain

I am trying to setup custom domains for my SSL enabled Heroku application on AWS Route 53. I have added custom domains (the root and www sub domain) to my heroku application via the CLI. The custom domains and their DNS targets show up fine on the…
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Multiple Heroku H27 HTTP 499 from Facebook and Cogent ASNs

I'm not sure if it is relevant but I have a tiny app on Heroku on free dynos and it requires extra time to spin up when requested (~20 sec). My logs have a number of H27 / HTTP 499 warnings in heroku/router on requests originating from ASN IPs…
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Cannot connect SSH from remote server

I'm having trouble connecting sFTP vis SSH from my cloud server. I am using a proxy to connect and have allowed the IP addresses. When I connect from my local server using the same proxy, the connection is successful. This only causes issues when I…
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Deploy node app locally in Australia

I developed a web application for a company. It's a node app -- basically, all it needs is npm install and npm start to run. The app does need Puppetteer to run. DB wise, I am using JawsDb which can be located in Australia or the US. Right now it's…
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When I type into the browser, why does it show up as not secure? Heroku SSL ACM

My situation: If I type or the site shows up as secure with the lock. However, if I type the address it shows up as not secure. What is wrong with my settings? The Facts: I have the…
1 answer

Nginx config best practises for reverse proxying 3 different type of apps

I'm struggling at finding "best" (I know this is subjective, I'll explain in a minute) config for a nginx server. My server is responsible of : Reverse proxying from 3 apps Delivering ssl certificates and I'm looking for proxy config good…
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SSL on Heroku, error add cert: "not valid. The 'Not After' date restriction on the certificate has passed."

I purchased a wildcard SSL cert from many months ago, and used it immediately after purchase successfully on other hosting services than Heroku. I now need to secure a new subdomain on a Heroku hosted app. Following these…
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Heroku Zerigo DNS Godaddy SSL

I have posted the question on stackoverflow. Someone was kind enough to down-vote and advised to post in here. I'm hoping i'm in the right place. I have followed instructions on the following 2 sites to purchase, sign and configure and my site first…
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Response time more than doubled after switching from A to CNAME on Heroku

I recently switched my Heroku app DNS setting from using A record at the apex to using CNAME record at www subdomain, because of the scenario outlined in this blog post: Supposedly, this…
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Point own subdomain to Heroku app through HTTPS

I have a domain, let's say bought on NameCheap. I have pointed it's primary and secondary DNS to my hosting provider, so I can view my website and manage the subdomains there. I also have a wildcard SSL certificate on my webserver, so…
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How to get murmur (mumble server) on heroku?

I currently have a murmur server running on a separate host that I am hoping to get rid of, I was curious if anyone knew of murmur running on Heroku or something similar like dotcloud? If it is possible, how exactly do I get it running?
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How you running more than one instance of parse on multi core servers?

I'm wondering if anyone is running something like pm2, forever or what ever to run more than one parse instance on servers that more than a few cores? If so can you provide any suggestions on something simple, we might be using Heroku and some of…
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Loadbalance between Heroku and AppHarbor?

How would you set up simple redundancy between these 2 "cloud" providers? Does a DNS fallback seem reasonable (that would update records when one is down) or would it take too long to propragate the changes?
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