Questions tagged [zerigo]

8 questions
2 answers

Upgrading Zerigo DNS plan through Heroku failure

I'm hosting an app on Heroku and have a basic DNS plan with Zerigo. I tried to upgrade the Zerigo plan from "basic" to "tier 1" through the Heroku command line tool and received the following error: Hostname may not be assigned to both a CNAME and…
3 answers

Why is my site intermittently slow to load, seemingly due to DNS issues?

I'm about to pull out my hair on this one. I have a rails app hosted on Heroku, using Zerigo Free for DNS. The app is available at: (preferred) (some users insist on typing www, this redirects to remove the…
1 answer

DNS/MX issues arising when migrating Heroku app to Dream Host hosted domain

I have a domain - - hosted by Dream Host. Up until recently I had some php as a signup form at that domain. I also had a one-click install of Word Press at, and could log into GMail through Google Apps from Dream Host at…
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Change DNS Handling From Zerigo Without Downtime

Zerigo have just removed their free plan. As a result I need to switch out my DNS handling. The problem is that the site is live, so I need to minimize any downtime. Currently Zerigo handles both the naked domain and the www subdomain. So far as I…
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BIND DNS Master with Zerigo Slaves - BIND won't update the slave servers

I've tried to resolve this myself and have looked through Google and Stack but haven't found the answer I'm looking for. Currently on a VPS server I have BIND DNS installed as a MASTER DNS Server. I use Zerigo's DNS service as SLAVE servers for…
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A record with zerigo DNS

I host my domain in Zerigo's DNS service, the domains A-record points to EC2 instance. I guess I dont need bind in EC2 server, just handle domains with apache virtualhost, this is right? Can I handle subdomain's ( A-record with…
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Are Zerigo's claims to have instant update on their DNS service legitimate or just marketing word semantics?

Zerigo states on their site Instant updates When you make a change to your DNS records, it takes a moment for them to replicate to all of the DNS servers. Until this happens, nobody can see the change. Zerigo's proprietary synchronization engine…
Chris Marisic
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1 answer

Heroku Zerigo DNS Godaddy SSL

I have posted the question on stackoverflow. Someone was kind enough to down-vote and advised to post in here. I'm hoping i'm in the right place. I have followed instructions on the following 2 sites to purchase, sign and configure and my site first…
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