Questions tagged [helm]

Package manager for kubernetes

Package manager for kubernetes

76 questions
0 answers

Apache Spark Web UI on kubernetes not working as expected

hi im having a problem i'am deploying Apache spark helm chart on kubernetes bitnami chart : helm repo add bitnami normally the apache spark webui is on port 8080 when i access the webUI here is what i get : what…
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How to convert terrraform to kubernetes helm chart?

Our current project is created using terraform templates. Both the infrastructure and the application deployment is on terraform yaml files. Is there anyway to convert the application part to helm charts? Please provide your suggestions.
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Trying to use a CNI configuration with Calico in Minikube with Helm

I am trying to configure a network configuration in our Kubernetes cluster via Helm with Calico, we are running minikube with calico like this: minikube start --network-plugin=cni --cni=calico And we include the network config like this: # network…
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Kubernetes pods failing with ImagePullBackOff when trying to pull image from AWS ECR

I are trying to run some Kubernetes pods in my Windows machine by using Docker-Desktop. I am trying to install them using HELM. I have created my Docker images and have pushed them into AWS ECR private repository. When I try to run the HELM install…
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How to HELM install multiple Traefik with rbac?

I am trying to install two traefik. Each will be in its own namespace. Each traefik will use label selection. Below is the values override I use for each when I run helm install. rbac: enabled: true # Enable prometheus additionalArguments: -…
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Info about vhosts in RabbitMQ

I've a couple of questions about vhosts in RabbitMQ: Are there any vhost created by default when you install RabbitMQ? In particular, when you deploy a RabbitMQ cluster in a Kubernetes cluster is it created a vhost by default which group all the…
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RabbitMQ Helm chart installation in a Kubernetes cluster failing distributing Erlang cookie to a node

I'm trying to install a RabbitMQ cluster through the Bitnami Helm chart ( in an EKS cluster and when I execute the Helm installation I get the following error in the first pod…
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install helm chart package without public container registry (offline,locally)

My problem is when i want to install a package in Kubernetes cluster with helm chart, for example install gitlab with helm, during installation there is need to download docker image from a public registry and i don't access internet and i ran nexus…
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Best practice for gitops with helm

I want to follow “gitops” for deployment — the state given environment should be in is checked in version control in appropriate branch and then the CD server applies the configuration. With plain kubernetes manifests the deployment definition just…
Jan Hudec
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Error-Setting up Kubernetes Cluster on Apple silicon / M1 Mac using Helm V2

I would like to have some help in setting up Kubernetes Cluster on Apple silicon / M1 Mac using Helm V2. Kubernetes version: 1.23.1 Cloud being used: bare-metal (Private Cloud) Installation method: minikube and helm Host OS: macOS Monterey 12.2.1
0 answers

Sidekiq crash loop, no jobs run

After upgrading GitLab to 14.7, sidekiq fails to stay running, and no jobs are running. All CI jobs are stuck saying This job depends on upstream jobs that need to succeed in order for this job to be triggered. I also cannot push in this…
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helm - changing all configmaps during upgrade

We faced this kind of problem. When we start upgrading via helm - all our configmaps are changed after upgrade. The question is How to say helm DO NOT change the configmaps during upgrading release? We want to change configmaps by…
0 answers

AKS Multiple Nginx Ingress with internal LB

Azure Kubernetes - AKS - K8s version - 1.20.9. Trying to setup multiple nginx ingress with Internal LB. ingress controller with ingress-class - helm install test1 ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \ --set controller.replicaCount=1 \ --set…
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Access forbiden when downloading from private registry via helm chart, but not via simple pod

I am trying to deploy bitnami moodle chart with custom image hosted on gitlab. When I use the registry in pod the image gets downloaded. However, when used in the chart, it gives the error below with access forbiden. Tested on minikube, and private…
0 answers

Helm 3 error:INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to install CRD

I'm trying to setup a kubernetes cluster, but i'm running into something that i just cant seem to fix. I'm trying to install the datawire/ambassador chart. but whatever i try i keep getting an error that CRD files cant be installed. Error:…