Questions tagged [helm]

Package manager for kubernetes

Package manager for kubernetes

76 questions
1 answer

Grafana deploy in kubernetes with Letsencript certificate in ingess

I want to deploy grafana in my AKS kubernetes cluster. For deployment I use helm helm install grafana grafana/grafana --namespace=grafana --set…
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Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller Failure using Helm on AKS

When going through the setup of a K8 ingress controller, which is documented here I am unable to get past the step of "Create an Ingress Controller" During the Helm command step and placing the command in debug mode, I see there is a timeout on one…
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Kubernetes error "Unable to attach or mount volumes"

I deployed bitnami/wordpress helm using nginx ingress as loadbalancer like here. Everything working fine but problem is with some pods when they are created manually or automaticly by autoscaling. Some of them (not all) have all time…
Don Don Don
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Automate the creation of database/user/password into K8 for Bitnami helm chart postgresql

I'm deploying the into k8s and wondering how can I automate the following creation of a database create a role with password as owner of the database above I've seen the extraDeploy…
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How to reinstall consul on a different namespace?

I have installed consul on default namespace using helm. helm install -f config.yaml consul hashicorp/consul --version "0.32.1" I tried uninstall of consul using helm delete consul And installing again using. kubectl create namespace consul helm…
Sara June
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How to manage storage / persistence overflow in Bitnami Kafka Helm chart?

I deploy Bitanmi Kafka Helm chart on AWS provisioned with Terraform. I find the documentation storage and persistence allocation, very confusing. From what I understood from the documentation; logs are chunks of messages in a topic, when…
Rubber Duck
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Ansible: clone repo or install helm chart from private github

Any idea how to install Helm chart (tgz) from private Github repo using Ansible? Is it possible at all to do this using Github token only and not ssh key or maybe it is easier to clone private git repo first with Ansible and then install it?
Syn Romana
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Selenium Grid Helm Chart: Can I Run Multiple Versions Of Chrome Concurrently?

I am hosting a Selenium Grid instance in a Kubernetes cluster that was installed using the standard Helm chart. Things are working well but I don't see any value that can be used to install multiple versions of Chrome or Firefox. Has anyone else…
Tom Purl
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Why does embedding KeyCloak into a another stack using requirements.yaml fail?

I ran into a really weird issue when using to set up keycloak on k8s: Using this helmchart and setting it up directly works pretty well, extraVolumes / mountPoints are processed…
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A chart install (or helm_release via terraform) always results in "failed to download "

When installing a helm chart directly (with helm 3), or using the helm provider in terraform, the same error is thrown which implies the download fails, something like: Error: failed to download ""…
Adam C
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How to generate or change HostPath in kubernetes config for each developer?

In Kubernetes, you can create a volume to mount into a with hostpath. This hostPath should provide a directory on the node running the pod. It's useful when you are working in development environments using minikube, we use this hostPath to sync…
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Helm install is --values values.yaml explicitly required?

Using Helm version 2, I was under the assumption that explicitly setting --values values.yaml in helm --name elasticsearch install ./ is not required (i.e. defaults to --values values.yaml). However I am not seeing this behavior, when I run --debug…
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How can i delete a helm installed package?

I'm using Helm 3 to install kubernetes packages. Now I need to remove/clean up what was installed, I tried with unintall but it seems it’s looking for a release (not sure what it does mean) not a package: $ helm install prometheus…
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Kubernetes: Issues with liveness / readiness probe on S3 storage hosted Docker Registry

Current setup Hello. I'm using a Docker Registry helm chart deployed with an S3 storage. Now I would like to update (change) the way the live/readiness probes work. The reason being that after one day of use, I have depleted the free tier monthly…
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terraform with helm provider ignore image changes

I am using terraform with helm provider to deploy a helm chart, everything works with terraform, the problem is when the application is already running and I changed the image tag from the gitlab pipeline. So the next time that I run terraform the…
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