Questions tagged [godaddy]

Domain registrar and web hosting company based in Scottsdale, Arizona

441 questions
1 answer

Remove RRSIG record from GoDaddy subdomain

I added 4 NS entries for a subdomain for a SalesForce email campaign. SalesForce has since complained they see an "RRSIG entry for the subdomain" and they "do not support (add to NS) RRSIG records", and as such I need to remove it. I did not add the…
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Problems installing SQL Server 2008 Express in Production

I'm having trouble setting up our external web server. Since we have a pretty small audience, we got one cheap server and are using SQL Server Express for the database and ASP.NET for the application, all on one box. (We are using GoDaddy for the…
John Gietzen
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1 answer

How to migrate the business Gmail DNS record from GoDaddy to AWS Route53?

the title of this question might be confusing. So my issue is I have registered a domain in Godaddy, and setup the business gmail using that domain. Recently I decided to migrate the DNS from Godaddy to AWS Route53, and I still want my business…
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2 answers

Webkit does not work with GoDaddy SSL certificates

Web purchased an ssl certificate from GoDaddy and installed it correctly. But, on any webkit browser it says that the site is not trusted. Does anyone have any idea why webkit would not like GoDaddy certificates? Here are the site details: alt…
Zed Said
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3 answers

How to refresh domain to open http rather than https?

We had a website working with a Godaddy SSL certificate for couple of years, few days ago we decided to use this certificate for another domain and keep the current website work just with HTTP. We also moved the website to Azure and made sure there…
Amr Elgarhy
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2 answers

Setting up IIS7 to mimic a GoDaddy shared hosting plan

I host multiple domains on a GoDaddy shared hosting account. I would like to setup a website locally in IIS 7 that mimics the setup of my hosted account so that I can test and debug applications locally before deploying, as debugging after…
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Heroku Godaddy site only loading using mobile data

I have added the Heroku address using my Godaddy DNS account as a CNAME pointing to Heroku (DNS management>Records>Add). I have configured it with the name www and it uses the hostname that Heroku provided the target. When I load my website it says…
2 answers

Watchguard SNAT not working

We are currently changing our external IP Address and trying to setup external access to your internally hosted website again without much luck. We use Go Daddy as our DNS host for our web domain and we use Watch Guard as our internal firewall. We…
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DNS on Plesk VDS and godaddy

I've just purchased a virtual dedicated server with Plesk 9. I have a portfolio of over 50 domains at godaddy and would like to use the VDS to host all of them. I would like to use one of those 50 domains as nameserver (for example so…
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1 answer

How do I use gmail mailbox with custom domain?

So I have a registered in my name with godaddy. There's also Gmail which we all love. I would like to set up to be my email. Godaddy has an email solution, but it's ugly, slow and forwarding is messy. I would…
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2 answers

Mac OSX server 10.5 external DNS questions

I bought an old xserve with 10.5 server. I have followed all the books and tutorials online, but none of them seem to explain setting up name servers for use outside of my network (I would like to run a dev server that other people can use) I have…
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1 answer

GoDaddy Wildcard Certficiate on GoDaddy Hosted Site and Self Hosted Subdomains

I have a few self hosted servers on my domain and my main website is hosted on Godaddy itself. One self hosted server needs an EV Certificate and we didn't want to change that, but I figured the others could all use one wildcard certificate. This…
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Configuring DNS on multiple domain name with separated Nameservers

I have a virtual machine on Azure that is hosting a company product website. We have a domain name ( at with SSL certification bound to our virtual machine. We are using Cynet Cpanel for email services, using…
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Email routable domains?

I'm looking into buying a domain for my Microsoft Exchange lab setup as I would like to understand how an actual company would operate. By that, I mean that I want to be able to send and receive emails to/from external sources. I was looking at some…
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1 answer

Site serves blank page after changing A record (godaddy forwarding to heroku app)

I have a domain from GoDaddy that I'm forwarding to a heroku app. I had it set up so that in my domain "settings", forwarding with masking was set up, forwarding to the heroku app URL. In my "A" record on GoDaddy, I had the host as @ and pointing to…
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