Questions tagged [godaddy]

Domain registrar and web hosting company based in Scottsdale, Arizona

441 questions
1 answer

Procedure for GoDaddy and AWS Route53

My boss host a domain e.g. in GoDaddy. (I do not have access to GoDaddy this case) In AWS, I want to setup a load-balancer (ELB) and point to 2 EC2 servers. Unfortunately, I can't setup "@" A record to ELB due to DNS features. I want to…
1 answer

.htaccess causes infinite loop on live server but works on localhost

I'm a newbie .htaccess and regex. I have a script that works locally but when I upload it to a live server it causes an infinite loop. How can I fix this? On the site when you load if you are unauthenticated it takes you…
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godaddy subdomain turns a post into a get

I want my godaddy subdomain to redirect to my API server on Google cloud. Added the subdomain, did the redirect, but the thing is that the POST requests are getting to my webserver as GET requests. Didn't find any documentation on how to make…
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1 answer

Fallback Hosting

I have my site hosted on my own servers, but I am worried about potential crashes. What I would like to do is set up a fallback website hosted through, for example: GoDaddy. So in the event of a crash, the site (or a simplified version) would…
1 answer

transfer godaddy domain to linode

I have a in godaddy. I have created a new account in linode. I want use my godaddy in my new account linode. How can I do it? or Where can I find a guide for this? Thank you
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3 answers

Do I need to purchase an SSL Certificate?

First time I'm setting up a external web application for a family member. I have a Domain Name purchased through GoDaddy setup to point at my Azure website. I've added the requires SSL filter so that the pages are secure throughout the…
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