Questions tagged [godaddy]

Domain registrar and web hosting company based in Scottsdale, Arizona

441 questions
1 answer

When I type in the domain i bought from Godaddy it resolves to my wordpress from EC2 but it then switches to the Elastic IP for that EC2 instance?

Image: I created an elastic IP so the public IP would be fixed. I then attached the A type with @ name in Godaddy and the 4 servers for custom nameservers as you can see in the picture. When I type in my domain…
1 answer

Not to show the external I.P address in viewing in mobile

I created subdomain in go daddy account, and I pointed to i.p address of GCE google cloud computing engine. In DNS Management, I click add button type = A host = nameofsubdomain // point to = i.p address ttl = 1 hourd //default in forwarding under…
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Redirect domain with a query string to another domain?

I need to redirect a domain that does not have any content to another domain that is working. I have GoDaddy hosting. Domain 1: No content, just the domain. Domain 2: Working website. I want…
Momin Iqbal
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1 answer

Email reception directing the domain request to EC2 instance

I'm not able to receive any emails on my GoDaddy hosted domain after changing the DNS settings for redirecting the domain request to an AWS EC2 instance. Even though it's a common scenario, I would like to know is there any chances to redirect only…
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Nit able to access Amazon instance via IP or domain name

I was able to access amazon instance via IP address, I was assigning my godaddy domain name to amazon instance using this tutorial. I did this on my amazon instance and it's been more than 48 hrs. Now I am not able to access my Amazon instance via…
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Website not coming up only for airtel broadband

We are into a strange issue. We recently launched our website. Domain name is registered with GoDaddy & is hosted on GoDaddy VPS. Website is live & comes up properly everywhere other that Airtel Broadband users. If we change "DNS server address"…
Nilesh G
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Not receiving some mail, possibly due to DNS misconfig?

I have an Ubuntu12.04 server running on Amazon AWS, and have a domain purchased from I have setup a mail server with Postfix and Dovecot. I am able to recieve most mails from senders. But some users are not able send mails to my domain.…
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MVC3 on godaddy

I'm trying to publish my site on the godaddy. I also spoke to their technical staff. Basically, I published my site to a local directory on my system (C:/test) and then copied all the resultant files from them on to my root folder on GoDaddy.…
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Getting around GoDaddy shared hosting SSL limitations

GoDaddy shared hosting apparently forces you to buy one of their SSL certs, i.e., you can't use StartSSL and then upload your own. Is there a way around that, perhaps using .htaccess as described here? If so, since the FTP login they provide in…
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3 answers

Fine Tune HTTPD.CONF - server crashing after 100 concurrent connections?

We have a WordPress site that keeps shutting down whenever we get around 100 users. WP super cache is already installed. Everytime the site goes down, we have to run service httpd restart. Now, we're trying to figure out if there is anything in…
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1 answer

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation

Line 54: Line 55: Line 56: Line 57: Line 58: …
Aivan Monceller
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1 answer

dig shows SERVFAIL , while pointing at nameserver works fine

somewhat similar to this thread, I faced with a problem where dig (for the sake of simplicity let's call it returns status: SERVFAIL This DNS zone is hosted on route53, and I use GoDaddy as registrar - which points to NS records…
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How to add multple domains to new VPS server?

I am trying to find a way to add 2 domains to the VPS server I bought. Server config: OS Ubuntu with Apache, Mysql, PHP installed. I have 2 domains purchased from godaddy. and I want to point both the domains to my…
Khan Sharukh
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2 answers

Pointing a DNS to a URL in godaddy

Am a novice in DNS related configurations. I have a domain registered in godaddy which i want to point to a website hosted in one of my amanzon ec2 instances. so i want to map to The solutions i've…
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4 answers

How to Set PTR Record?

I have a domain from Godaddy, its application runs at Google Compute Engine and is traffic controlled by Cloudflare. For sometime now we have observed decrease in our mails deliverability to users inbox. One of the method to resolve the issue is to…
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