Questions tagged [filestream]

24 questions
1 answer

How to backup/restore excluding filestream varbinary in SQL Server 2008?

There is an application used in a production site that uses SQL Server 2008 as its DBMS. The database schema uses Filestream Varbinary to save binary data on the filesystem instead of directly into the DB tables. The point is that now and then it…
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SQL Server: How to shrink FileStream files?

For a project, I'm using a SQL Server 2008 R2. One table has a filestream column. I've made some load tests, and now the database has ~20GB used. I've empty tables, except several(configuration tables). But my database was still using a lot of…
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Existing tables with binaries to use filestream

I've got a few tables for which I want to use filestream storage. These tables already contain binary data and have rowguids. However at the time they were were created, the tables were not added to a filestream enabled filegroup. What is the best…
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How to reattach sql 2008 database without filestream?

I have a sql 2008 database that had a filestream. Unfortunately, all I have is the .mdf and .ldf files. I no longer have access to the filestream .hdr file or anything that was in that directory. Normally, you can just reattach the database to a…
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Can we use FILESTREAM in case of SQL Server cluster

I saw this point on Technet article about RBS. The local FILESTREAM provider is supported only when it is used on local hard disk drives or an attached Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) device. You cannot use the local RBS…
Frank Martin
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Enabling filestream on SQL Server 2008

When trying to enable filestream to a SQL Server 2008 I've got this message: There was an unknown error applying the FILESTREAM settings. Check the parameters are valid. And now in the FILESTREAM tab of the properties of said server I read: A…
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Sql Server 2008 Web Licensing / Edition Limitations

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? How is Sql Server 2008 Web licensed? When clicking on how to buy on the Microsoft pages it shows only SPLA pricing of $15 per processor per month. Does that mean it's only…
Chris Marisic
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SQL Server 2008 SP2 installed, filestream failing

I ran the installer for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2. Somehow I missed the part that says "this completely screws you over". Regardless, we had a couple databases with filestreams. I followed some links and got the server itself operational. …
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I'm using a FILESTREAM enabled database that is hosted on SQL Server 2008 Standard Ed on a Windows 2003 server and am seeing some long waits of types PREEMPTIVE_OS_%. Specifically, PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETFILESIZE when executing…
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How do I set the UNC permissions on a SQL Server 2008 Filestream UNC?

I have a SQL Server 2008 instance. I have configured filestream access properly, and use it from one column on one table in one of my databases. However, I cannot access the UNC share for the filestream data. I have tried browsing to it as well as…
Justin Dearing
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Migrating FileStream database to Azure

We are migrating our existing client databases to Azure soon. Our current database uses FileStream and has some data stored in columns of type varbinary(max). From what I have read, FileStream is not supported in Azure. How would we be able to…
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SQL 2016 - FILESTREAM feature is disabled. (bogus message)

I'm having problems getting filestream to work. I know how to configure it, and have setup numerous servers running it. For some reason, even though Filestream is definitely enabled, I keep getting this error when trying to restore a filestream…
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file system not supported error while adding a file to sql filegroup with filestream

i am a beginner with sql server 2008, i was trying to add a file to a filegroup so that i an create a table which uses filestream, but i keep getting an errors. here is the code that i am trying: ALTER DATABASE dbtry1 ADD FILEGROUP…
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How to restore a database removing the filestream data

I have a 50GB SQL Server 2008R2 database backup. I'd like to restore only the "tables" and not the filestream data (the blobs saved as filestream). This is because I fon't have 100GB free (50 needed to copy the file on the server, 50 to restore the…
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SQL Server filestream access from another computer using system account

I have a SQL Server 2008 set up to use filestream. SQL Server runs under a domain account with SPN set and delegation enabled. Accessing filestream from another computer using a domain account works. But accessing filestream from another computer…
Andrew J. Brehm
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