Questions tagged [filestream]

24 questions
2 answers

An mdf file of a Sql server 2008 database is bigger than expected

I have a Sql server 2008 database that contains many images. In theory they should make up most of the space on the database. I moved the images to Filestrem fields but the size of the mdf didn't decrease much at all. How is that possible? How can…
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2 answers

Change SQL Server FileStream Path

I would like to change the path for a SQL Server Filestream but I can't find any information on this. I know how to change the mdf and ldf filenames, but can't seem to find how to change the folder name where the FileStream stores the data.
Lieven Cardoen
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1 answer

FILESTREAM Enabled Database and Backup Compression

I have a +150Gb FILESTREAM enabled database growing steadily +10Gb weekly, and am curious if anyone has any recommendations | familiarity regarding compression ratios for database backups. I tried Hyperbac, as I have previously worked with this…
2 answers

Defragment a FILESTREAM data container

Has anyone ever tried to defrag a FILESTREAM data container using the Windows Disk Defragmenter? Does this work without taking the FILESTREAM enabled database offline? If this doesn't work, can someone recommend an alternate solution (hopefully…
2 answers

Migrating from filestream to "classic" blob

I am considering moving all my customers' DBs to SQL Azure. I am using a single FILESTREAM field to store files in blobs (not for performance on large blobs), but simply because I am using the Express Edition and so I use Filestream as a way not to…
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2 answers

Can Powershell present a string as a file to an external program?

Present a string of text as a file to an external program? I have a script that calls openssl to digitally sign an XML element from an XML file. Not the whole XML file, just one element. openssl only works with files, not strings or other objects.…
Michael Cornn
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1 answer

Can't delete last empty line

I've a .txt file from which I'd like to delete the last, empty line. I've tried a ridiculous number of sed, perl and awk commands found on the internet, but none of them has worked. I don't know what does it mean, but I leave you the output of od -c…
2 answers

Is it possible to restore database without Filestream

I have actually a small Production Filestream enabled database. Data (150 Mo) + Filestream (500 Mo). Tomorow, the filestream will grow until 30 Go... I have many Test Databases that I want to restore with Production dump. Is it possible to restore…
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1 answer

How to save to a "virtual local drive" and have the data streamed to a remote drive?

(This is for Windows computers.) So, the reason why I need this is not really important, but generally speaking... I have a program which takes a long time to generate a huge file (like 100's of GB). I don't have enough space to save that file…
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