When trying to enable filestream to a SQL Server 2008 I've got this message:

There was an unknown error applying the FILESTREAM settings. Check the parameters are valid.

And now in the FILESTREAM tab of the properties of said server I read:

A previous FILESTREAM configuration attempt was incomplete. FILESTREAM may be in an inconsistent state until re-configured

Do you know what might have gone wrong? What parameters is it taking about? Do I need to reset anything to be able to try again?

I've tried with filestream_enable.vbs, but that failed too:

c:\Users\pupeno\Downloads\EnableFilestream>cscript filestream_enable.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Machine: .
Level: 3

Current Filestream configuration:

InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER
AccessLevel  = 0
ShareName    = MSSQLSERVER
RsFxVersion  = 0103

Calling method EnableFilestream with new level

Method failed: hr = -2147024894

New Filestream configuration:

InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER
AccessLevel  = 0
ShareName    = MSSQLSERVER
RsFxVersion  = 0103
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3 Answers3


I have encountered this problem before, and what solved it for us was using the command line tool to enable it from the command line. You can get the tool here.

Sam Cogan
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http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=473895 talks about this hotfix.

Does that help?

Preet Sangha
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I had to re-install SQL Server, but if someone else is having the same problem, I'd recommend trying the other solutions first. Just don't have a lot of hope.

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