Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
2 answers

Is there a recommended automated production environment setup for Microsoft stack?

We are looking at rebuilding our small production running redundant servers with IIS, .Net 4, MSSqlServer 2003 setup. The previous tri-server configuration evolved organically and has a lot of hand-configured pieces that sort-of mesh together but…
2 answers

Puppet configuration using augeas fails if combined with notify

I'm having a problem with the following Puppet manifest, which is meant to enable the passwdqc pam module on a RHEL-6 system (this is using Puppet 0.25.5 and augeas 0.7.2): augeas { 'authconfig': context =>…
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8 answers

What configuration items do you track for proper configuration management?

As a professional system administrator, what configuration items do you consider it essential to track to perform proper configuration or change management? For example, in Windows, do you track registry changes in addition to hardware or software?…
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1 answer

How to do docker-compose down without the config file that made the up?

When you do docker-compose up, it's based on a docker-compose.yml file. This usually brings up a network, builds and runs multiple services. If you do the up with the -d flag, the docker-compose client detaches and let the servers alone. If you do a…
4 answers

Puppet : How to override / redefine outside child class (usecase and example detailled)

The use case i try to illustrate is when to declare some item (eq mysqld service) with a default configuration that could be included on every node (class stripdown in the example, for basenode), and still be able to override this same item in some…
Alex F
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1 answer

How to test for file absence with serverspec?

The serverspec guide on resource types doesn't explain how to test for the absence of a file, rather than its presence. This is the best I could come up with: describe command('/bin/bash -c "[[ ! -e /var/foo ]]"') do its(:exit_status) { should eq…
2 answers

Managing many entries in Route53

We use Amazon Route53 as my company's primary DNS. As we grow into using multiple services from different providers, each of them requested some kind of DNS entry to verify our domain and/or use their services. As of now we have about 60 entries in…
2 answers

How to use Salt Stack with minions all behind NAT (not publicly accessible, default salt ports not open)?

Can Salt Stack minions communicate with the salt master from behind NAT/Firewalls, etc., using standard ports that would be open be default in all consumer NAT routers (and without the minions having a public DNS record or static IP)? I'm working my…
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2 answers

Why Puppet can require each package just once?

When defining dependencies in a class each Package can be globally defined just once. I have hierarchy of configuration and some packages should be installed on all machines (that goes to default configuration) but other should be installed only on…
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3 answers

how to pass parameters to puppet modules?

What is the best practice for configuration of puppet modules? I have puppet 2.7.11. I find this way quite messy, it looks like using global variables. node default { $always_apt_update = true include apt } Should I create class which would…
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1 answer

Easily recreate a server's "state"

I want the ability to setup new servers for dev/testing/prod very easily. The reasons for being able to setup a new dev VM is obvious, but for prod my concern is adding a new production server/migrating to a new server. I assume a traditional backup…
Brandon Wamboldt
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1 answer

Automatic management of SSL certificate on multiple servers…good or bad

We're using puppet to manage a group of Ubuntu boxes and will shortly require each of these servers to share a common SSL certificate, in order to serve a site over HTTPS. Naturally, we'd like to use puppet to manage the certificate but are…
2 answers

Tips for optimizing RHEL/CentOS kickstart workflow

I'm working in an environment that consists of CentOS systems located in multiple data centers and office locations. I've been using a reasonable kickstart with a solid post-install script, but want to streamline and expand the process. We have our…
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4 answers

dead man's switch for remote networking interventions on Linux

As I'm going to change the network configuration of a remote server, I was thinking of some security mechanisms to protect me from accidentally losing control on the server. The level-0 protection I'm using is a scheduled system reboot: # at now+x…
3 answers

How to manage linux workstations with policies

I am going to be administering a small network of linux based workstations for a charity institution (not all have the same distro- some are ubuntu and some are fedora). Is there something in Linux that is similar to group policy in windows?. For…
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